openSUSE on Efika MX

There was a nice article posted online yesterday by Linux Magazine of Germany: Open-Suse-Image für ARM-Computer.  The article applauded the efforts of the openSUSE Team and particularly Bernhard Wiedemann, who recently posted on his blog instructions for booting openSUSE on the Efika MX. We are very pleased to have the support of the openSUSE Team. Vielen herzlichen Dank!

Genesi has been working with the openSUSE Team pretty much from the beginning. The first Linux distribution running on the earliest version of the PegasosPPC in 2002 was "SuSE" (openSUSE:Genesi). With the growing importance of energy efficiency in the personal computer market, it is good to see more distributions jumping on to ARM (openSUSE ARM:Portal).

Beta Test Party!

The Beta version of Doudoulinux has been released for the Efika MX. DoudouLinux is especially designed for children to make computer use as easy and pleasant as possible. The image can be downloaded from

Happy Birthday Genesi !!!

Today is Genesi's 9th Birthday in the USA. We are a bit older in Europe, but Happy Birthday to us nevertheless! Thank you to all of our customers past and present. We grateful for all the opportunities we have had and for all the great people and companies we have had a chance to work with.
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