Hello World!
We are designing our next products now. They are based on the Freescale i.mx53. The goal is to produce a low-cost board that can be sold as a single board solution, a desktop, a laptop and a tablet (we could say a smarttop, a smartbook, and a smarttablet, but you get the idea). Currently, our cost for producing the Efika MX smarttop is more than $100 (USD). For the smartbook, it is more than $200 (USD). We need to develop systems that have half the cost. We hope to have the first i.mx53 boards to the team next month (go Gerald!). Our feeling is that the greatest barrier to increased Internet use for the majority of the world's population is cost.
Our business model is somewhat different than others in the industry.
Our business model is somewhat different than others in the industry.