Android Everywhere!

Thanks to our friends at Jayway and the progressive and continuous development work of Michael Grunditz all the Efika MX products were demonstrated this past week at the Stockholm Google Technology User Group‎ meeting.  We are adding games and building an Apps Store in CloudCity. This will be open to our partners soon.


..and AROS too!

We will have more than Android Apps available. Say hello to AROS! Michal Schulz and Pavel Fedin have completed the Port AROS to ARM Phase I - Linux Hosted. In the mean time, Michal has updated his Efika MX Project Blog on AROS Research Operating System for ARM.

We are looking forward to bringing a host of new applications and lots of fun games to the platform.

Those that know us, know that we have been a fan of Pixel Qi since the Company was founded. It is nice to see a market ready display so fully functional and ready. Pixel Qi is the only non-captive LCD design company in the world.

On the left and in the sun, a Pixel Qi display with the Efika MX

It is exciting to see all the years of effort and experience come to fruition in the new display. It is very likely you will be seeing an Efika MX one day with a Pixal Qi display.

Here is a short video of a fun game being played in Android with the Efika MX at Öredev this past week.

Michael Grunditz and the Jayway Team did a great job getting this ready for the conference.

This past Friday we spent the morning at Freescale in Austin. Accompanying us on the trip was the new Efika MX Smartbook 3G with Ubuntu 10.10. Using an AT&T Data Plan we were able to stay connected from Austin to San Antonio. During the entire 80 minute trip from Freescale to Genesi we only experienced one disconnection, and this for less than a minute.

UPDATE: EmdebianSprint2010

It is time to take a break, but we are getting ready for the next developer oriented event, a Debian Sprint! "Sprints" are developer meetings that are focused to work on specific parts of Debian with the goal of having fun at the same time. Volunteers contribute their time, enthusiasm, and work. Normally, Debian does its best to support sprints financially through the generous donations of people and other entities that care about Debian.
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