The Efika MX Hackathon is underway - with some folks coming straight from Linaro@UDS. We will probably all need a break after next Tuesday.

Our new conference room is being put to good use!

On of the projects for the next few days is to set up a compile farm using ten Efika MX SmartTOPs to build an experimental armhf distribution repository.

Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's...


Are you an EFIKAMAN?!

Yes, EFIKAMAN has been busy this week. There have been sightings at Adobe MAX (video) and with Linaro@UDS (picture), but before the rumors start, we need to assure you that EFIKAMAN is not some strange visitor from another planet.

Come see the Efika MX SmartBook and SmartTop in the Freescale Booth at Adobe MAX next week.

Efika MX Smartbook Android Flash

You will see Froyo 2.2 with Flash 10.1 motoring along if you can be there.

It is not too much of a stretch when you think about it. Advertisers have been paying for access to consumers for years. Advertising is what made television. Have you seen the latest Google TV video?

The Kindle is distributed with a network connection. The latest Kindle with 3G support can be used in over 100 countries and territories. The first Efika based on the Freescale 5200B was shipped to almost as many destinations.

Big TV!

Thanks to Tom Bailey of Jayway the Efika MX SmartTop was demonstrated last night at the Stockholm Google Technology User Group‎ meeting. Thanks Tom!

Little MX!

Michael Grunditz also brought the Efika MX SmartBook and the SmartTablet prototype. Video playback works well on all the products. The Freescale imx51 is proving to be an applications processor at the top of its class.

The old PC went out in a recycling bin. The speakers were still good. We replaced the monitor and selected a compact wireless keyboard/mouse. You can barely see the Efika MX where the keyboard used to be. The "desktop" machine hardly has the visible and concrete presence it once did. Come to think of it, concrete is a good word. It was surprising how heavy it was.

With the old PC gone, there is lots of extra space...

Qt programming contest for 3rd year IT degree and exchange students...

This is a Contest

Let's go folks! Get signed up and do your best. If your only resource in life is time, there is no better to do.

With a room full of Efika MX tops and books, Matt is coordinating the development of a number of different software packages. The Efika MX products ship with a pre‐installed Linux operating system, using Kernel A best effort has been made to optimize the software, however proprietary codecs, Flash plugin and 3D support does not ship pre-installed, but will be provided using a standard software distribution solution for as many Linux distributions as we can support.
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