There have certain been many inquiries about the Efika MX being used as a set-top box, or STB. With this thinking in mind we decided to go with an HDMI output. That said, it is one thing to inquire about such a possibility, it is another to actually do it. Please meet the ConnectMeTV Team...
The ConnectMeTV Team, September 2010
ConnectMeTV is based in Cairo. The toughest part of the Efika MX Home Media Center development has not been with the software, but in getting the Efika MX through Egyptian Customs. The authorities took two months! Given Egypt's distinct 7,000-year-old record of civilization and immense wealth of knowledge, it hardly seems correct for such a talented team of people to not have more support from their Government.
The ConnectMeTV Team, September 2010
ConnectMeTV is based in Cairo. The toughest part of the Efika MX Home Media Center development has not been with the software, but in getting the Efika MX through Egyptian Customs. The authorities took two months! Given Egypt's distinct 7,000-year-old record of civilization and immense wealth of knowledge, it hardly seems correct for such a talented team of people to not have more support from their Government.