There have certain been many inquiries about the Efika MX being used as a set-top box, or STB. With this thinking in mind we decided to go with an HDMI output. That said, it is one thing to inquire about such a possibility, it is another to actually do it. Please meet the ConnectMeTV Team...

The ConnectMeTV Team, September 2010

ConnectMeTV is based in Cairo. The toughest part of the Efika MX Home Media Center development has not been with the software, but in getting the Efika MX through Egyptian Customs. The authorities took two months! Given Egypt's distinct 7,000-year-old record of civilization and immense wealth of knowledge, it hardly seems correct for such a talented team of people to not have more support from their Government.

Here are two more excellent projects that have an Efika MX Inside...

Eric Gregori's ShowBot Senior

Eric Gregori has prepared a detailed presentation, pictures, a video and How To instructions at Freescale's web site: i.MX51EVK and genesi based face tracking robots. Eric uses OpenCV on the Efika MX to bring life to ShowBot Senior, an interactive robot that uses face tracking to interact with an audience. We appreciate Eric's project and applaude his effort.

As mentioned earlier this week, our goal is to have some exciting presentations ready for the Android Only conference to be held in Stockholm from 29-30 September.

There is much more to come!

We are working with Jayway to present the latest software. We will have some special promotions and hand-outs for Android Only.

Hector Oron posted an update on the Debian Community's ARM efforts yesterday: Debian Squeeze on EfikaMX. We appreciated Hector's update and all the other activity. Konstantinos Margaritis is certainly making progress with the Debian-Ports Package Auto-Building. He built the first 3000 packages in less than ten days.

We never know which projects or developers will succeed.

We have seeded plenty of hardware over the years.

In the past week, we had a few ubuntu developers propose projects.

Michael Grunditz posted a string of pictures this morning. With hardware acceleration, we are running an EGL demo at over 60 frames a second on the Efika MX. Our goal is to have some exciting presentations ready for the Android Only conference to be held in Stockholm from 29-30 September.

We should have some cool videos from the Android Only event

Thinking about shows and conferences, earlier this month the IFA was held in Berlin.

The Clear Spot 4G+ is an interesting companion to the Efika MX. Mobile broadband customers want their data just as if they were at home. Spectrum availability has become progressively more important. People just want whatever they want, wherever they are. Clearwire's all-IP architecture and available mobile spectrum, about 150 MHz in many markets (USA) make the Clear Spot 4G+ particularly useful -- at home or away.

Here is a short video of the Efika MX Smartbook Netbook. We repeat, these initial units are being sold to support development. Today, the Efika MX Netbook is a reference platform. It will be used to support the many Efika MX Projects that we have underway.

We are very pleased to finally have this product on the market.
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