Johan Dams has pulled together an interesting application for the Efika MX: simple fleet tracking. In contrast to most existing offerings with this package the customer stays in control. A monthly subscription is not required. All the data stays with the Efika MX and not on a third party server. Plus, the primary data transfer method is SMS, which works fine even with limited connectivity.

Fleet tracking with Qt on Efika MX

As mentioned last week, Qt Everywhere is a very good framework for deploying light applications. We can see this application being used to keep tabs on more than cars and trucks.

Different people will find different things beautiful. Differences of opinion vary greatly. Beauty is subjective, relative, referential. Yesterday, a phenomenal sum was paid for 72 year old comic book that sold originally for 10 cents: It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…It’s the First Million Dollar Comic Book! Could it be that the buyer overpaid? When bidders make bidding decisions based on estimated values, the winner will often pay more than necessary to win.

Swedish Developer Michael Grunditz has been awarded a Gold Medal for his olympic effort on Efika MX Project #779: Linux Platform Support and Application Development on Efika MX. Michael will release the code shortly on In this case, that means that we have named Michael the first recipient of the PowerProject Award for the i.MX51 Developer Program.

GNOME running on XQt running on Qt Everywhere

Qt Everywhere is a very good framework for deploying light applications.

The Efika MX Smartbook shipments have begun...

Efika MX size comparison

We thought we would make a quick picture of the Efika MX Smartbook and the Open Client together. More soon.

Big gig is right -- a billion bits that is -- from the Official Google Blog: Think big with a gig: Our experimental fiber network.

This is a gig with a big "G"

Google announced earlier this week that they will launch a fiber-to-the-home Internet service for at least 50,000 and potentially 500,000 homes with access speeds of one gigabit per second. Google will undoubtedly push to increase the quality and decrease the price of Internet services.

Power Developer Project #783 is the Mandriva Linux port. The initial port was demonstrated last week at FOSDEM.

Mandriva on the Efika MX at FOSDEM 2010

The Mandriva Mini interface is particularly well suited for ARM based devices. Mandriva is a member of the ARM Connected Community. A word of thanks to Wolfgang Bornath (wobo) for the picture.


For Sale: Efika MX Smartbook

The Efika MX Smartbook will be available to existing corporate customers that are already working with the Efika MX Open Client next week. We are looking forward to getting this product in the market.

We will have more than Linux running on this machine

Just enough computing any where you are...

This weekend the Super Bowl of American Football is very likely to be viewed by as many as 100 million people. Advertisers will pay $3,000,000 for a 30 second commercial or pub as it is known in France. During the 1984 Super Bowl, Apple ran this ad:

Steve Jobs suggested that IBM was the Big Brother

in Apple's version of George Orwell's book: 1984.

Years later, it seems Steve Jobs sees Google as today's Big Brother: Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is...
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