We are designing our next products now. They are based on the Freescale i.mx53. The goal is to produce a low-cost board that can be sold as a single board solution, a desktop, a laptop and a tablet (we could say a smarttop, a smartbook, and a smarttablet, but you get the idea). Currently, our cost for producing the Efika MX smarttop is more than $100 (USD). For the smartbook, it is more than $200 (USD). We need to develop systems that have half the cost. We hope to have the first i.mx53 boards to the team next month (go Gerald!). Our feeling is that the greatest barrier to increased Internet use for the majority of the world's population is cost.

Our business model is somewhat different than others in the industry.

Cloud computing will essentially define computing as we all know it.

7 Dec 2010

Eric Schmidt

CEO Google

Google is doing it again: Google Unveils Chrome OS, Notebook Pilot Program. The 'Nexus One' of netbooks is coming (every setback is a learning opportunity). The Google Netbook is a little bigger than the Efika MX Smartbook. It has a 12.1" vs. 10.1" display and a full sized keyboard. The Efika MX runs on ARM; the Google netbook does not. The message is: it does not matter.

It was nice last week to be finally recognized by Linaro: Genesi donates 55 ARM netbooks to Linaro developers. If Linaro can help solve the problems of fragmentation in Linux for ARM this will be a great thing. We will continue to do what we can to assist in the effort.

The Efika MX Smartbook & Linaro Developers at UDS

Looking ahead, we are going to be emphasizing ArmHardFloat: ArmHardFloatPort. Progress is be made: Auto-Build Status.

Android Everywhere!

Thanks to our friends at Jayway and the progressive and continuous development work of Michael Grunditz all the Efika MX products were demonstrated this past week at the Stockholm Google Technology User Group‎ meeting.  We are adding games and building an Apps Store in CloudCity. This will be open to our partners soon.


..and AROS too!

We will have more than Android Apps available.

Those that know us, know that we have been a fan of Pixel Qi since the Company was founded. It is nice to see a market ready display so fully functional and ready. Pixel Qi is the only non-captive LCD design company in the world.

On the left and in the sun, a Pixel Qi display with the Efika MX

It is exciting to see all the years of effort and experience come to fruition in the new display. It is very likely you will be seeing an Efika MX one day with a Pixal Qi display.

Here is a short video of a fun game being played in Android with the Efika MX at Öredev this past week.

Michael Grunditz and the Jayway Team did a great job getting this ready for the conference.

This past Friday we spent the morning at Freescale in Austin. Accompanying us on the trip was the new Efika MX Smartbook 3G with Ubuntu 10.10. Using an AT&T Data Plan we were able to stay connected from Austin to San Antonio. During the entire 80 minute trip from Freescale to Genesi we only experienced one disconnection, and this for less than a minute.

UPDATE: EmdebianSprint2010

It is time to take a break, but we are getting ready for the next developer oriented event, a Debian Sprint! "Sprints" are developer meetings that are focused to work on specific parts of Debian with the goal of having fun at the same time. Volunteers contribute their time, enthusiasm, and work. Normally, Debian does its best to support sprints financially through the generous donations of people and other entities that care about Debian.

The Efika MX Hackathon is underway - with some folks coming straight from Linaro@UDS. We will probably all need a break after next Tuesday.

Our new conference room is being put to good use!

On of the projects for the next few days is to set up a compile farm using ten Efika MX SmartTOPs to build an experimental armhf distribution repository.

Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's...


Are you an EFIKAMAN?!

Yes, EFIKAMAN has been busy this week. There have been sightings at Adobe MAX (video) and with Linaro@UDS (picture), but before the rumors start, we need to assure you that EFIKAMAN is not some strange visitor from another planet.
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