Earlier this month, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 generated $550 million in sales worldwide in the first five days it was available. Since 2003, the Call of Duty series has sold more than 55 million units creating over $3 billion in revenue. In contrast, it is surprising to know that only three films released in a series have done better: Harry Potter (six films, $5.4 billion), James Bond (22 films, $5 billion) and Star Wars (seven films, $4.2 billion). The highest grossing single film was Titanic, which took ten months to generate $1.8 billion.

Call of Duty is not the Mighty Mophin Power Rangers

15 years ago last month the Xiphias produced Mighty Morphin Power Rangers made a debut as a CD-ROM. It was available for the PC and Mac and based on a popular children's TV program.

Last week AT&T announced Synaptic Services. These will be on-demand compute and storage resources that can be scaled as needed and only paid for when used. There are no set-up fees and no minimum commitment requirements. AT&T will manage the network, server, and storage. Customers can develop and manage everything else as if these resources were their own. It sounds and looks like the Sun Cloud.

Following up on yesterday's blog...

It is a good video

In the press conference for Chrome OS, Google said they were working with hardware manufacturers, which they would not name, on developing Chrome OS machines. These will first be netbooks.

This cow had a habit of going for the grass that he did not have. Nevertheless, between the fence and the simple, but effective forked stick placed around the cow's neck, this cow was 'locked.'

Will you be locked to your service provider?

As netbooks increasingly enter the mobile market, unlocking the netbook from a service provider may be a bit more problematic than swapping a SIM card or mastering a software tweak.

The MPC8610 Open Source Mainboard Bounty has been published

The MPC8610 Open Source Mainboard Bounty will be supported by the power2people MPC8610 Developer Program. Please feel free to comment here or send us an email with any feedback or suggestions.

We are resurrecting a Developer Program around the Freescale MPC8610: power2people MPC8610. The goal will be to develop a new, community-funded, open-source hardware platform around the chip.

Look for more details on power2people.org soon

We met with our Freescale Sales Rep yesterday.

The best selling children's book written by Dr. Suess was published in 1960. We have heard and read the story, many, many times...

I would not, could not, in a box.

I could not, would not, with a fox.

I will not eat them in a house.

I will not eat them with a mouse.

I will not eat them here or there.

I will not eat them anywhere.

I do not eat green eggs and ham.

I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

I would not eat green eggs and ham.

This announced today: Freescale extends product family that pioneered the smartbook category to address additional embedded markets. Genesi is pleased to be an important contributor to the growing ecosystem around the i.MX51.

What is in your Cloud City?

Cloud City was designed with a series of products in mind, beginning with the Efika MX. By expanding the i.MX51 family, Freescale helps us bring firmware, software and cloud computing support to new customers and new application.

The latest Apple vs. PC ads are in circulation. If you are switching to Windows 7 you might as well switch to a Mac. Why not really upgrade? In the meanwhile, Intel has introduced The Intel Mobile Authorized Integrator Connection. The message from Intel to custom system builders and solution providers: Don't give HP, IBM, Dell, or Apple all the credit! Put your own brand on a custom notebook. You will have a unique product.
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