The Efika MX Open Client is on sale now in the Genesi online store.

Volume discounts will be available for CloudCity franchisees

Support will be provided through PowerDeveloper. Software will be released in real time as progress is made. The Citrix client is available for testing...

...Microsoft Office works well!

The virtual desktop represents an enormous market opportunity. The sheer size of the current spending on desktops (both hardware and support costs) is estimated to be close to $500 billion annually. According to IDC, the desktop is the single largest line item in most IT budgets at close to 60% of the total. A desktop virtualized also represents the largest potential for cost savings.

We would like to report that we will have the new Efika MX Open Client on sale this month, but it appears we will have to wait until late September and it is! (updated: store). The first objective was to get Citrix running well on ARM and to bring up a number of other applications and special features such as localization to CloudCity. Microsoft Office works well.

The addition of many x86-only applications are planned

The devices are looking good and the form factor is certainly small.

Years ago we each met Debbie Harry, though not at the same time. As a fellow panelist, I met her couple of times at Interactive Television conferences in the early 90's. She was a musician thinking digitally ahead of her time. For you younger readers, she was and still is a singer-songwriter known more popularly as Blondie. She had a big hit in 1980: Call Me.

It could be captioned...

What is the Big Man going to do?

Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ) reports quarterly earnings tomorrow. In a few words, the economy is tough, HP runs second (or third) to Apple in consumer/PC product innovation (that is growth), behind IBM in the enterprise business (server, storage, services), and the printing business is a low/no growth market.

This morning it was still raining in Taipei. Taipei rests on the northern side of the island and is protected somewhat by higher elevations. The three to four meters of rain that fell over the weekend took a much heavier toll in the south. The subsequent flooding has created more trouble in the form of landslides. There are still many homes without power and without water. Agricultural losses will be calculated in hundreds of millions of dollars.

No, we are actually pulling your ARM(!), right though, that is, to the user. They get the hardware and then they get to do something with it. Let's pick up where we left off last time...

Basic User

The Basic User does not need too many options. Google Apps and a pay-as-you-go virtual machine are enough to get things started. Google Voice will make for a nice added basic feature.

Options can be added...

From there, we can head into a few directions.

It is an old slide, as the Common Platform has begun development on process technologies at 32nm, but you get the idea. We first wrote about the issues in early 2006: SoC 4U2.

We will still need analogue I/O

Market pressure/opportunity is driving industry leaders to shrink the size and thickness of the silicon being used to produce the next generation of chips. The smaller the transistors, the more discrete the digital signal and the less power required.
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