Net-top Display Options
For Sale: Efika MX SmartTOP
ElectronicsWeekly.com posted an article yesterday titled: Netbooks are an opportunity for new companies - Freescale's Rich Beyer. As you might suspect, we are inclined to agree with the Author and the Freescale CEO. There are a few more related articles that have been posted this week. It is not hard to understand the flare of interest. ARM inc. has taken the netbook on a cross-country roadshow: First taste of an ARM Powered Netbook … and it’s good!
Net-top Display Options
Certainly, the variety of ARM netbooks to come will make for great products, but the humble desktop, net-top, set-top may end up being at the tip-top in sales and market success.
For Sale: Efika MX SmartTOP
ElectronicsWeekly.com posted an article yesterday titled: Netbooks are an opportunity for new companies - Freescale's Rich Beyer. As you might suspect, we are inclined to agree with the Author and the Freescale CEO. There are a few more related articles that have been posted this week. It is not hard to understand the flare of interest. ARM inc. has taken the netbook on a cross-country roadshow: First taste of an ARM Powered Netbook … and it’s good!
Net-top Display Options
Certainly, the variety of ARM netbooks to come will make for great products, but the humble desktop, net-top, set-top may end up being at the tip-top in sales and market success.