For Sale: Efika MX SmartTOP

ElectronicsWeekly.com posted an article yesterday titled: Netbooks are an opportunity for new companies - Freescale's Rich Beyer. As you might suspect, we are inclined to agree with the Author and the Freescale CEO. There are a few more related articles that have been posted this week. It is not hard to understand the flare of interest. ARM inc. has taken the netbook on a cross-country roadshow: First taste of an ARM Powered Netbook … and it’s good!

Net-top Display Options

Certainly, the variety of ARM netbooks to come will make for great products, but the humble desktop, net-top, set-top may end up being at the tip-top in sales and market success.

Scott Shawcroft is giving an interesting presentation tomorrow at OSCON. You can download the presentation at OpenSourceWatershed. The site discusses his research, which in a few words is a study in how Linux for people to use develops. Watershed is an aptly selected word in one sense, but as Scott's research clearly shows, the water flows in every direction.

Water is a metaphor for software.

The straight-arm or stiff-arm is used to fend off a would be tackler in American football, Australian football and Rugby. A proper technique not only keeps the ball carrier an arm's length from would be tacklers, but also applies a concentrated force that leverages the momentum of the ball carrier to push away opponents. A properly placed straight-arm can even leverage the force of the tackler to help the ball carrier change directions or accelerate movement.

Video chat Efika MX Developer Edition

The Efika MX Developer Edition is basically a netbook without the plastic shell. The Efika MX Open Client is made of the same basic board, but without the display or netbook only features.

You can use the Efika MX Open Client for video chat too

As the software is developed to get everything working, we will rely on the same methods we have used in the past to make the images available to all users.

Download and print to see the size of the Efika MX

We have opened a bounty for Port OpenSolaris to ARM and made a $5000 donation toward the port. Various distributions of GNU/Linux are already running on the ARM-based Efika MX Developer Edition. It is time to open up the ecosystem a bit further. The Efika MX Open Client will be the next target.

The OpenSolaris Project needs to be fully defined before it is assigned (and will be before it appears on the power2people Home page).

The new case is much smaller and it features a logo

The word casework probably invokes a social meaning related to the problems and needs of a family or person. The objective of the caseworker is to assist with the diagnosis and treatment of the problems. Another definition associates to the computer industry and the process of aggregating all the assembled parts into an enclosure. Over the last few months, we have often been reminded of the former as much of the latter.
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