We announced today that Genesi has become a member of the ARM® Connected Community (PR). Cloud City and the Efika MX Developer Edition are also featured.

We began to ship the first Developer Kits to Selected Developers this week. You can also purchase them in the Genesi Online Store. We will bring the price down significantly as the volumes increase.

Eventually this...

i.MX515 Developer Kit (netbook)

...is going to look like this:

efikaMX Netbook

They will be on sale later this year. We will begin to ship the Kits to Selected Developers next week. You will also be able to purchase them in the Genesi Online Store.

Late last week something fairly remarkable happened. A software developer from Poland named Krzysztof Śmiechowicz issued a pledge that he would match dollar for dollar any contributions made to the AROS Poseidon USB Stack Bounty hosted on power2people. Krzysztof's objective was to drive the Bounty to the level required by another developer that had agreed and been assigned to the Project, Chris Hodges.

Two weeks ago we had the opportunity to participate in the Annual Industry Coupon Conference. The Event was hosted by the Association of Coupon Professionals quite conveniently for us in San Antonio.

Transformation is the right word; when is the question...

Last Fall we joined the ACP and posted The Cost of Living. Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) had also recently joined the organization. We continue to believe in the great potential of digital coupons.

Digital coupons are not quite ready.

The competition is intensifying. Hardware profits are much less than profits in services and software. With the recent entry of Cisco into the server market and Oracle's acquisition of Sun, we pause to think where all this might be going. After all, none of today's big server vendors make most of their money from the hardware itself. IBM makes most of its profit from services. The big money maker at HP is the printer (and the cartridges). Cisco profits from networking hardware.
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