There is a WSJ article today, which essentially covers the same issues we discussed last week. If you can read it, go ahead and have a look: Time to Leave the Laptop Behind (that link should work for a few days).

Remember this?

If so, check this out: EETimes, 20 October 2008

When you get there please turn to Page 26 (or just read the article here). That really is the other half of the deal. The big screen home telepresence and entertainment center all tied into a package of enterprise support that stays with you or that goes with you. Sounds like You bet.

How about the ED, do you remember this STB?

BTW, that picture is from 1996.

There are too many set-top boxes now, but a fully configurable software platform in the home, well, that looks like the direction things are going.

Earlier this week at the smartphoneshow in London, Nokia (NYSE:NOK) EVP, Kai Oistamo said, "It's time to recognize that today's smart phones are full-fledged computers. We should call them what they really are." You can read up on the rest of the interview at EETimes - Nokia's naked ambition: Moving beyond cellphones. Oistamo had changed the title of his speech from The Future of Smartphones to The Future of Computing.

Good work, Michal.

Let's get EFIKA support released!



Yet another status update can be found on the blog of Michal Schulz. More good news: in order to be able to install AROS on EFIKA, Michal needs a bootable device connected through USB, so he has also been assigned the USB Mass Storage Bounty at power2people for what is roughly another $200 $300 (updated). Please give Michal your support and contribute to the bounties.

2.6 million computers, 11 million iPods and nearly 7 million iPhones were sold by Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) during the three months that ended with September. Apple also has $25 billion in the Bank and no debt. It was slightly more than ten years ago that Michael Dell said, "I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders,” when asked what he would do if he was put in charge of Apple. Today, Apple has more cash than the entire market value of Dell (NASDAQ:DELL).

This board can support some great new developments

We let you know more, when we can. In the meanwhile, stay posted on the related PowerDeveloper thread. And, please feel free to post your interest and enthusiasm on the board's prospects. Varoom, is right!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Markets go up and down, but the demand for technology has been continuous and progressive for the last 20 years. The trend is toward mobility. The consumer expectation is whatever can be had at home/on a desktop or television can be had wherever -- following an evolution similar to the rotary telephone connected by a cord to a handset to wireless handsets to the mobile phone of today.

Let's get the atlas...

For years, we have kept a box of coins collected from all over the world. As we travel, we collect new ones. The Euro has made a dent in our diversity, but whenever we have young visitors who often have more energy than their parents or our four walls can contain alone, we pull out the box, and an atlas.

Here is a map of the world.

The Common Platform Technology Forum was hosted by Chartered (NASDAQ:CHRT), IBM (NYSE:IBM) and Samsung (SEO:005930) on 30 September 2008. Nearly 2000 industry representatives attended. The IBM alliance to align on R&D collaboration has expanded to include integrated device manufacturers (STM, Freescale, Infineon, NEC, Toshiba), microprocessor manufacturers (AMD, IBM) and foundries (Samsung, Chartered) as well as fabless customers using the process (Qualcomm, Broadcom).

This was the main theme of the Freescale Press Release last Thursday. It is an interesting announcement, because the focus is actually on what is not growing; that is, the cellular chipset market, at least for Freescale.

Michal Schulz has published an AROS on EFIKA update to his blog:

AROS on Efika status update seems to be adjusting to all the new AROS activity just fine. The newest bounty for the Poseidon USB Stack has been assigned to Chris Hodges. We have added $1000 to that bounty this morning.

We appreciate the great news from Michal. We will be looking for a way to engage Michal's support for the port once it is done and we move ahead.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.
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