Our blog is an advertisement, so we don't advertise. We are not getting paid, but we wanted to run this ad below. You can click through if you want. It works. Why wouldn't an advertiser want as many people as possible adding such ads to as many user-generated sites as possible? The 'seller' can easily track the lead source. You too can become an Internet Advertising Agency!

When we wrote this blog we linked to a display ad here.

The framework is all here

eBay has made a good business in connecting buyers and sellers. At the same time, online fraud has continued to grow. Losses for financial institutions are significant and mirror that growth. A new medium for exchange is needed. We have been discussing this a bit lately (What is in your Wallet?).

It is hard to keep the excitement contained. The exposure Cherrypal and THTF received last week at FTF and in the technology media woke up a few slumbering keyboards. We had a busy weekend and it appears that we will be busy for some time.

There will be many MPC5121e powered devices

A hand-held “tablet” device with basic applications such as a web browser and an email client, that enables further functionality through the playback of widgets is headed your way.

The proliferation of social networking and user-generated content… combined with the impact of broadband and constant connectivity… creating new social communities and new business and consumer behaviors around the world. In the past few years… thanks to the growing availability of high-speed Internet access and search technology… user-generated content has become one of the dominant forms of global media. By 2011, social networks are projected to attract 101 million users in the U.S.

That is the current marketing slogan of a credit card issuer operating in the US, UK and Canada. Credit cards come in standard sizes and allow us to make purchases from merchants with money we borrow from a credit card issuer. As the card holder, we are responsible for paying the money back.

Money is certainly a useful thing to have. It provides a medium for exchange, so we don't have to barter. It gives us a means to compare the value of different items, and it can be saved to store value.

While the first one is still in progress in parts of the world, the second is well underway. The first is measured by our physical capacity to multiply our productivity through machines and regimentation, the second is measured by our intellectual capacity to grow through free and constant access to information and learning. Personal creativity is on the rise. There is and will be a progressively compounding effect.

You can watch the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) WWDC 2008 Keynote. If you are interested in the future of the information, communication and entertainment technology business, it is probably worth the time.

As emphasized by Steve Jobs, there are three legs to the Apple business: Mac, music and iPhone. It seems whatever the iPod was will soon be merged with the iPhone. The new $199/128€ 3G GPS-enabled iPhone will certainly help sell more Macs.

Life on the tundra is tough. In the winter it is very cold and windy and in the summer the mosquitoes are everywhere. Have you ever seen a glass of water tossed into the air and watched it drift away as ice fog before a drop hits the ground? It can be cold!

A funny fellow brought this tree to Kotzebue.

Last time one of us was there it was still the only tree.

Fortunately, most of us will still be here tomorrow. Some of us will still be here for a long time. In the meanwhile, Managing Firm-Sponsored Open Source Communities - A Case Study on Novell and The openSUSE Project has been published. Jan Fredrik, the author, has hopefully earned high marks for his Masters thesis. It is worth reading as suggested.

Genesi has been involved since inception

Genesi has been involved in the openSUSE Project from the beginning.
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