...still on!

As most of you know, the 5121e integrates the POWERVR MBX and POWERVR VGP Lite 2D/3D acceleration with Freescale's Display Integration Unit (DIU). The graphics core is integrated with the e300 core and built on Power Architecture™ technology.

The 5121e also has the AXE engine

We are really getting the support we need to develop a great board with a solid package of tools and documentation. We are building on our PegasosPPC/ODW and EFIKA/Open Client experiences. The new system will be supported by what will be known as mobileGT Linux. We will also work to provide MorphOS and AROS support. There will be a QNX option.

...and action!

power2people to Support AROS

We did not expect to read about it this this fast. We certainly have not made over power2people.org yet. An update is coming...

power2people was established to support a Project we originally started with Cornell University Graduate Students in 2006 around the EFIKA/Open Client (Genesi BoP Presentation). This merged with an EFIKA Project and an installation was made last summer in Morocco (EFIKA Project #338).

When we began to focus on growth markets for the EFIKA it was early 2005. What we wanted was a general purpose host processor that could address the opportunities we saw coming for low-cost PCs, mobile Internet devices, consumer electronics and embedded systems. The possibilities all looked the same to us. We set off to find a way to satisfy many opportunities simultaneously.

Last month Paul Otellini estimated that these four markets were worth $10 billion each.

PowerDev Meeting #2 is just a couple of weeks away. The Event has been included on the Freescale Training Event Schedule. The number of participants registered has already exceeded our expectations. European visitors are coming from as far away as Norway. Incredibly, a Developer from Malaysia is traveling from Asia to attend.

The concept behind the logo is that each gear symbolizes an individual visitor or developer.

5121e, ColdFire and 8610

We have three new platforms coming, well actually four, but those details are still to come. It is a great thing to feel the excitement building. We are going to do a few things different this time.

...and all outside of CHRP (...at least as far as the Linux kernel is concerned).

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Genesi is a Gold Sponsor at the Freescale Technology Forum

Best of Show Nominee - MorphOS on the EFIKA

Please stop by!

If you missed PowerDev Meeting #1, please stop by PowerDev Meeting #2 or FTF 2008. The Latest and Greatest is coming...

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

PowerDev Meeting #1 was held this past weekend in Chełm, Poland. Grzegorz Kraszewski gave a number of presentations that were well received by those present.

DigiBooster 3 Presentation and Discussion

We will be posting a video of his presentations later this week along with a gallery of pictures. Our thanks to Grzegorz for his time and effort and a special word of thanks to Jerzy Guc, Darek Wróblewski, and Łukasz Kucharuk, who planned and managed the Event.
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