The ColdFire, MPC8610 and MPC5121E Projects are now open.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

The ColdFire, MPC8610 and MPC5121E Project Programs will open for proposals later today.

Please check the detailed Project submission guidelines now posted on PowerDeveloper.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

The OLPC organization created the XO laptop and delivered the laptop from an idea to mass-production. OLPC has hit some bumps in the road and created a few on their own, but hundreds of thousands of units have shipped. That is an accomplishment. Perhaps, one of the most notable features is the sunlight-readable low-power LCD designed by Mary Lou Jepsen.

XO, please meet EFIKA

EFIKA, please meet XO.

We are creating a new reference design for the Freescale MPC5121e.

Check back on PowerDeveloper later today or tomorrow. The first systems are on the way to FedEx.

These are headed to Germany...

More to follow!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

*Emulation Not Required*

Thomas Hirsch began with a simple concept: get Amiga up-to-date and so The NATAMI Project was born. We have been tracking the Project and providing moral support from inception. Long-time ODW-Developer Gunnar von Boehn stepped in early to help drive the software development. Thomas and Gunnar have done a great job bringing the Project to where it is today. Now, we are gearing up for more involvement.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

It should be a matter of days before we all know the results. In the USA, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has auctioned off a spectrum of frequencies that can transmit and receive data to and from a new generation of mobile devices. It is expected that the new networks will carry signals farther and better with less power than their predecessors. Certainly AT&T and Verizon as mobile network leaders can be expected to have gained licenses, but we wonder about Google.

The first PowerDev Meeting will be held in Chełm, Poland.

Please stop by and read all about it: PowerDev Meeting, March 29 - 30, 2008. Better yet, stop by for the weekend!

As an added bonus, we will do our best to also have both MPC5121e and MPC8610 boards there in time for the Event. A big word of thanks go to the organizing team, Jerzy Guc, Łukasz Kucharuk and Darek Wróblewski.

Domo arigato again lonelywildone!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.
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