One ARM is better than none

Here is the latest and greatest: ARM processor Starter Kit provides reference platform and software support for simplified development of industrial and consumer applications (Deutsch, Francias, Italiano, Dansk). You will be able to read all about it at as the situation develops.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Domo arigato lonelywildone!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Konstantinos is at it again!

Here is the latest and greatest: SIMDx86 AltiVec optimized! You can read all about it at

That is great work Konstantinos!

And, while you are at PowerDeveloper check out some of the other recent Power Post Award winners: openSUSE for EFIKA made easy and quick and new CRUX PPC 2.4pre test cycle. Thanks for stopping by!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

The Open March logo

EFIKA Project #95 has been updated. It is not surprising that Team Open March hails from the Czech Republic. Jan Holas, David Krivánka and Ondrej Obracaník make up an enthusiastic, dedicated and persistent Team. We appreciate their effort.

EFIKA Project #95 is the

newest Power Project


About Open March: Společnost Open March je sdružení lidí, zabývajících se vývojem a použitím otevřených systémů pod licencí GNU.

Roschmyr has been busy again!

Jochen "Roschmyr" Rhein has made a second nice looking case for his EFIKA. It looks great and has many fine details. We featured his first EFIKA case in Full Metal Jacket.

Here is another nice case

What do you think? Please let us know...

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.
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