Here are some Holiday Greetings from Japan and NECST that need to be shared...

Please watch the video

You folks did a great job!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

We are posting our Holiday message early this year to recognize all those folks that may be trying their luck with a dreidel or la toupie. Also, the Eid Al Adha holiday is still going on this week in much of the Islamic world, so let's all get into the action and extend some good will.

Hello World! Spread some joy and warmth!

Peace on Earth

We send our Season's Greetings to you we know and to you we don't.

Happy Holidays!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

U.S. Dollars were once secured by deposits from banks that were chartered to issue the currency. Dollars were printed in sheets that were cut into individual bills. The bills were not considered legal tender until they were individually signed by the local bank management. The deposit required from the vendor bank was discounted from the face value. Nevertheless, the Dollar was a representative value, or said another way, a coupon. This helped stabilize the Dollar-based economy.

We have a dozen blogs running around in our heads, but had no time to let them out. For starters, how about this: Hakuho collects third straight title. Currently, there are only two active yokozuna. Hakuho is one of them. The other, Asashoryu, is also from Mongolia.

Also a yokozuna, Akebono, an American, retired from Sumo in 2001.

At his retirement, Akebono stood 6’8” tall and weighed 514 pounds.

Yesterday, Google added video and audio chat to gmail. There are undoubtedly millions of people that will come to use the system. It may even be as popular as Skype one day.

That's Matt!

Genesi, Manager, Developer Relations


1. Will Google talk be extended to traditional phone systems as an outbound calling feature?


After a busy week we might as well pick up where we left off: the concept of Cell processors and International Business Machines Corp. v. Papermaster, 08-cv-9078, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (White Plains). After 25 years of undoubtedly loyal service, IBM said in a court filing that Mark Papermaster had agreed to avoid working for any competitor for a year if he left IBM.

An interesting article was published yesterday: Apple hires top IBM chip designer and blade server guru. Lately, there has been a good deal of speculation about the future of Apple's PASemi SoC. This article and the lawsuit will bring more attention to the subject.

There is a WSJ article today, which essentially covers the same issues we discussed last week. If you can read it, go ahead and have a look: Time to Leave the Laptop Behind (that link should work for a few days).

Remember this?

If so, check this out: EETimes, 20 October 2008

When you get there please turn to Page 26 (or just read the article here). That really is the other half of the deal.

Earlier this week at the smartphoneshow in London, Nokia (NYSE:NOK) EVP, Kai Oistamo said, "It's time to recognize that today's smart phones are full-fledged computers. We should call them what they really are." You can read up on the rest of the interview at EETimes - Nokia's naked ambition: Moving beyond cellphones. Oistamo had changed the title of his speech from The Future of Smartphones to The Future of Computing.

Good work, Michal.

Let's get EFIKA support released!



Yet another status update can be found on the blog of Michal Schulz. More good news: in order to be able to install AROS on EFIKA, Michal needs a bootable device connected through USB, so he has also been assigned the USB Mass Storage Bounty at power2people for what is roughly another $200 $300 (updated). Please give Michal your support and contribute to the bounties.
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