From us and our family to you and yours...

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.


Christmas Sleigh Navigation System tests successfully!

Santa is all systems go!

Tonight is the big night!

The Community is the Computer.

This was a few years ago, but most of our

important associations are still the same

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

For the more than two years we have concentrated our efforts on the EFIKA. The EFIKA has been developed with a succession of chips, first the 5200, then the 5200B and the 5121e. There were actually two versions of the 5200B. Developing a SoC can be a challenge. Developing a board based on a SoC can create even greater difficulties.

The new Asus Eco Book has a case made of laminated bamboo and is available in different colors.

Peek-a-boo it's bamboo!

The first Apple came in a wooden box and there have been many PegasosPPC and EFIKA that ended up in a variety of cases. It is hard to say what our favorite has been.

The shipping box itself was probably the most practical

...and the Holiday wrapping made it festive too!

OLPC helped bring attention to the opportunity at the so-called Base of the Pyramid (Thinking BoP).

Here is a good interview with the CEO of Rackable Systems, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:RACK).

Power, cooling and density

Power, cooling and density are three words that do not go together naturally, but a bunch of supply and demand issues are compressing the nature of what has become essential, one variable at a time. Google is probably the largest single corporate user of electricity in the world. There is a reason for Google's Renewable Energy Cheaper Than Coal initiative.

The latest rage in the chip industry is consumer applications. As investment in semiconductor technologies have become increasingly expensive the industry has finally begun to look for new ways to create distinction. A faster processor at a higher frequency is not enough. We think aura is system enablement. The goal is application ready silicon.

EFIKA.TV is a good example

Please have a look at Guido Mersmann's EFIKA Project #341 or Grzegorz Kraszewski's EFIKA Project #163.

We have placed the credit were the credit is due in the last couple of posts and we want to take that one step farther today.

They keep the Community going!

Possible benefits - optimization for PowerPC

text mode login

openSUSE 11 alpha0

There are many more. This sort of participation is essential for the success of any platform. Our thanks to Peter, Gunnar, and Johan for these latest Power Posts.

So, you see, we have the Geniuses too!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

We will post a Press Release on Monday, but in the meanwhile let's throw a bit more attention at the sites we want to recognize with an Honorable Mention.

2007 Genesi Web Award Honorable Mention

The EFIKA Book


MorphOS News

Gentoo Wiki EFIKA


A few more nice words: Thanks Folks! Nice Work! Without your support and participation we would not still be here. Congratulations!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Google (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) stock sprinted past $700/share yesterday. So far, the stock is holding firm today. Google also launched a Mac Developer Playground yesterday (at least that is when we figured out it was there). We will know we arrived when we get one of those. In the meanwhile, we continue to do the heavy lifting on the PowerPC end user market (Keeping the PowerPC Dream Alive).
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