That is good news!

Tundra Semiconductor Announces Technology Collaboration and License Agreement

Tundra Semiconductor (Public, TSE:TUN) has licensed the Power Architecture technology (known once as PowerPC). IBM (Public, NYSE:IBM) Global Engineering Solutions is doing the design work. It is nice to see new licensees and products moving ahead. We have worked with Tundra before on the High Density Blade. It was not the Tundra part that created the challenges (the CPU ran too hot at the frequencies desired). In any case, congratulations to Tundra -- power to you!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Businesses exist to sell goods and/or services to consumers or other businesses. The goal is to generate profit. Often what makes one business successful over another is the quality of the goods and/or services offered. Distinction can also be achieved by associating to ideas or beliefs. A businesses virtue can be an essential physical characteristic or just a good feeling.

We woke up this morning to read about the latest Google (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) rumor. This time it is all about stuff - yours, ours, theirs, etc., etc. Don't worry we are not headed back to the Android discussion again (at least for now, well sort off...), but we are thinking about what we are going to do with all the digital data we are accumulating (related: Seeing Through the Clouds & Keeping the PowerPC Dream Alive).

Basically, the main theme is you put all your stuff on Google servers.

Dmitrij Kozhevnikov and EFIKA Project #325

Дмитрий Кожевников lives outside of Moscow. He has been busy lately. EFIKA Project #325 has been updated. Shown here with the EFIKA on top of the tower on the left, Dmitrij powers his Project through a voltage inverter to an accumulator battery that collects energy from the solar panel behind the window.

We decided to embed the complete Wall Street Journal video -- advertisement included (no AdWords/AdSense necessary). We did this because the content related to the subject is the most descriptive we found on the subject.

Hey! It is this way!

Depending on which hand we use (winking to our Analyst friends), in this case the right, we point the thumb in the direction of the current flow to tell us the direction of the magnetic force surrounding a conductor of electricity. Again, it would be great to have such a rule for the consumer...

Android targets ARM, at least initially. It is probably the least expensive, Google-capable-enough processor in the market.

In general, flux is a useful mathematical vector dot product that relates to the way the field lines cut through a hypothetical surface. In English, a state of flux relates to continuous change. Physics and Electrical Engineering were so easy in comparison...

We digress again, from the Android discussion and "Category #2" (Seeing Through the Clouds) to consider AMD (Public, NYSE:AMD).

Google (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) is not the only one headed for the clouds, IBM (Public, NYSE:IBM) announced the Blue Cloud yesterday. Cloud computing is an emerging lingo to describe a shared infrastructure in which large pools of systems are linked together to provide support and services to users. It sounds great, so let's start with our outlook on the future of operating systems. There are two contradicting trends in computer technology today.

This past weekend in Krakow, Poland AmiZaduszki was held. The focus was MorphOS 2.0. There was no official presentation. Everyone present had the chance to test drive it on their own.

Many ODW/PegasosPPC and Open Client/EFIKA Developers and Users were present

EFIKA inside, but outside, well we have variety!

These kind of computer gatherings have brought together people for years as they surround their common interest with friendship and fun.

Before we plunge into the world of Android (we are still digging into the opportunity), we wanted to mention for the record that it does not take fancy packaging or marketing to get the job done right. It just takes the right people. Finding the right people is key. Here is a picture of Pawel 'Stefkos' Stefanski speaking to a group of interested developers and users at Alchimie 7.

Pawel is in the nifty Genesi grey polo shirt

...and his EFIKA running MorphOS is in the nifty case.
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