This one is on a horse...

The brand on cattle or horses told/tells you who the owned the animal. In the Wild West, a rustler could decide if the tangle was worth the risk should he decide to wrangle horses or cattle - was the brand a strong one? A strong ranch had cowboys that could ride and shoot. The brand said: this is mine, not yours - keep your hands off! Today, the application of the concept of branding has evolved.

Google beats Microsoft to become top brand


New York, April 24: Google Inc has knocked Microsoft Corp from its perch as the world's top-ranked brand, according to findings released on Monday.

It started here: We Get Signal!

Then it became this: EFIKA Developer Project #337, Highly flexible/ultra low cost framebuffer for the EFIKA and FPGA technologies support. And, then this:

EFIKA Power Developer: stellae:wiki

Now, it is here: Portable EFIKA. What is next?! Stay tuned!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

Google Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:GOOG) will probably trade at $500 a share today and maybe more. The strength of Google's core business allows it to take the risks necessary to build new ones. The most important ingredient to Google's success is the user. You define the market for the advertising they organize. Google is your creation. Search was the means to establish your involvement that creates targeted and measurable ads. Now, there is more. The Google network build-out continues.

Let the Games begin!

RoboCup is underway! EFIKA in defense. EFIKA on attack. Robo-GOOOOOOOOOOOAL! The long-term goal of the RoboCup series is to have a robotic team capable of beating a human team by the year 2050. Let's hope the Botnia RoboCup Team brings a whole new dimension to the Games!

Go Team!

The Botnia RoboCup Team participates in the small size league. Robots are limited to 18cm in diameter and 15 cm in height. Games are played 5 vs.

That is a big number. It was announced earlier this week that Apple had sold that many iPods in five plus years. What is even more impressive is that they have done this without lowering the price of the music or video. Normally, the approach for a company not in the portable music player business (now video and games too and the mobile phone next - can you see the trend?) would have been to offer a lower priced music player. Another alternative would have been to make music free.

Participatory Media & User Generated Content

Video is more powerful than text.

The next billion users are coming...

This is a Disruptive Play because the objective is to co-opt the PC market. Why not? That is how Microsoft did it. They pulled the page from IBM. Later, OS/2 did not stop Windows. Microsoft went on from there to leverage a consumer-endorsed OS into new markets. Certainly, a new hardware platform can do more. PC clones are commodities. The iPod is not.

Go ahead. Get an EFIKA.

Apple is killing Microsoft. Microsoft is killing Microsoft. Go ahead...

We started out yesterday's blog like this: The EFIKA Open Client is a story of just enough computing. Why not use an embedded processor as a general purpose solution if the targeted requirements are met by the capability available. First, unlocking opportunity has everything to do with price. Last, you don't need a rocket ship to travel to the grocery store.

The EFIKA Open Client is a story of just enough computing. Why not use an embedded processor as a general purpose solution if the targeted requirements are met by the capability available. First, unlocking opportunity has everything to do with price. Last, you don't need a rocket ship to travel to the grocery store.

Open Client

Inexpensive and simple

Flexible and open

The 5200B and what comes next will have some room to run. It won't see any meaningful competition from Intel.

Some EFIKA Projects are already nearing release...

VA Software Corporation (NASDAQ:LNUX) has made collaborative environments a business. Over the last year LNUX has begun to capitalize on the growth of the open source movement and the growth in Internet advertising. Maybe, you have heard of Slashdot, SourceForge or Open Source Technology Group (OSTG). There are some interesting developments coming from this Company.
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