There is just not too much more to say for now!

Computing and television are becoming more than the sum of the parts. This is more than a new media. It is a whole new way of thinking and it starts with a 5200B on an EFIKA.

We will save this for later too...

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

More soon!

Computing and television are becoming more than the sum of the parts. This is more than a new media. It is a whole new way of thinking and it starts with a 5200B on an EFIKA.

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

The EFIKA in Black

We are starting to hear the story on a regular basis. The old computer was unplugged. The keyboard and monitor and whatever else was re-attached to the EFIKA and the user went back to work - same old thing new. 24-48 hours later we get the next email or telephone - this is great, etc.

The EFIKA in Back

Computing and television are becoming more than the sum of the parts. This is more than a new media. It is a whole new way of thinking.


Please check out (LS)³ - Libre Streaming, Libre Software, Libre Standards on the EFIKA when you have a chance. This team is a fine group of folks based in Italy. Please check out the video streaming EFIKA in action.

That being on the EFIKA of course!

Please check out µnOS on the EFIKA when you have a chance. The µnOS/Miray Software team is a fine group of folks based in Germany. It is not Christmas time, but we are sending them a virtual box of these today on the account of their good work.

One box at a time, please.

It might look like this...

...but, it was more like that.

We may have not followed a direct route, but what is happening with the EFIKA reminds us of a large electrical discharge. When an object gains a net charge, it finds a way to balance the charge to become more neutral. When there is a great enough difference in the charge between a cloud and its surroundings, the cloud discharges a lightning bolt and the connection is made.

Another Power Project - this one from Noël LEMOUËL,

Hardware Engineer & Graphics SOC designer, EFIKA Power Developer

EFIKA #337

Highly flexible/ultra low cost framebuffer for the EFIKA and FPGA technologies support

Congratulations Noël. You have a Power Project. Great work!

We have mentioned the solid collaboration with Noël LEMOUËL a few months ago as his Project got started.

Atlas Coelestis, Thomas Corbinianus

Mercurii philosophici firmamentum firmianum. Frankfurt/Leipzig, 1730

The Great Ship Argo Navis can only be seen in its entirety from south of 15 degrees north. The Milky Way flows though the entire constellation and the whole area is full of many astounding deep sky objects. Argo Navis is the only constellation listed by Ptolemy not used today.

The EFIKA Open Client Plus

What do you want to do with your EFIKA today?

This is new the Firmware Menu.

Please see The EFIKA Comes to Life for more detail.

There are more options coming!

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer.

The EFIKA goes in back

Another option would be to build it all into the All In One PC with a more standard power supply. Case, monitor, EFIKA, AGP Graphics adapter (DVI, S-Video, 128MB), DVI-to-VGA converter, 80GB 2.5" disk, AC-DC adapter and power cord for $500. Will that work? Certainly, this can be done and profitably.
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