What do you call a whole bunch of these?!


Can you feel the Blastwave!

The Blastwave version: MySQL 5.0

The EFIKA connects to the T1000

Opera loads phpmyadmin

MySQL Enterprise empowers the EFIKA *and* the Developers that use them. It is a business based on providing a solution to a client. We suggest that this is the beginning of a Community-based enterprise?!*

The Community is the Computer - a Super Computer. Go Zig!


*Yes, Friends, you can sell the EFIKA. You can sell it to the Bank. You can use it with a crank. You can sell them to a store, and for a plane, and for a car, and don't worry we will make more! They are so good, so good, you see! And, you can use them in-de-pen-dent-ly! You can use them at the Post. You can use them where they count most.

More than just an Ode...

Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS), located in Washington, D.C., was founded in the 1960s. The purpose of the CHS, as stipulated by its founder, Paul Mellon, is to promote the understanding of Greek civilization by making it available to the general public.


FedEx took the EFIKA all over the world.

Developers are taking it everywhere else!

At FOSDEM the EFIKA was everywhere. FOSDEM and computing in general is moving to a whole new level not because it is faster or bigger, but because it involves more participation and sharing. With the EFIKA in the hands of a self-motivated group of developers, it is moving ahead...fast! Develop a Future with us. Be more than aPod.

The ODW at FOSDEM in 2005 with the Gentoo Team

When asked, we explained to two colleagues of ours yesterday why FOSDEM was the most important Developer Conference in the world. FOSDEM starts today. This year it will be the EFIKA that draws the support of the great Gentoo Community as well as many other participants at the Event. The EFIKA has landed.

Next week we are giving a talk at Trinity University to a few students in the Engineering Science Department. It will be a short talk that will hopefully generate longer meaningful discussion. We have been allocated 50 minutes and get to stay for lunch.

Can you imagine?!

We are actually focused on power over ethernet for the EFIKA, but that was the best laugh we had in a long time. We see three main ways to deploy the EFIKA in volume:

#1 EFIKA with graphic card, but no HDD (smart-card-reader option)

#2 EFIKA with graphic card + 40GB HDD (smart-card-reader option)

#3 EFIKA home gateway with 1-2 broadband phones

Our aim is to move #1 and #2 in volume quickly, in combination with our point-to-multipoint (P2MP) radio-solution (at unlicensed 5.

On the subject of holidays this week, in Germany it is Fasching.

Don't wear a tie!

What would Freud say?!

When people in Germany start wearing false noses and fancy hats and begin kissing total strangers on the street amid hails of confetti and sweets and shouts of Alaaf and Helau, the German carnival has reached a climax - and that means it must be Rose Monday. That was yesterday in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz. Today is the big day in Frankfurt.

Presidents' Day is a federal holiday in the USA. It is based on the recognition of the birth of George Washington (1732 - Gregorian calendar), the first President of the USA. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the USA was also born in February (1809). Many States include Lincoln in the official celebration. Over the years, the Day has been marked by a growing recognition of the role of all the country's Presidents.


...there are a number of applications working.

Unfortunately, not all the drivers needed are. One company sells the computer. Another company sells the operating system. Yet another company provides the processor, another the wireless chip, etc.

The EFIKA is now found in 50 countries!

And, that is great. Fortunately, computation science education is on the move too. Perhaps you missed this Press Release from the Universtity of Northern Iowa: Components donated to computer cluster designed in part by UNI Professor.
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