Well, it is not the 4U2, at least not yet.

We will start with this!!!

The System-on-a-Chip is the future because everything becomes a "standard product" or "general computing." It will be the firmware that tells the computing platform what to boot up as and what to be for that moment of use. It is time to think again.

Where is the computing market going? Well, if the historical traits of human endeavor apply it seems one day we will have infinitely fast computers that have low power consumption and low cost. That means that everything will be software (that is firmware) and analog I/O -- embedded processors and hardware accelerators won't be needed. General purpose computing platforms will be everything purpose computing platforms that change what they are based on what they need to be.

“Think Different” was the an Apple ad slogan. “Different” in this case is not modifying the verb “think.” If it were, it should be an adverb and written “differently" (like that). Instead, it is the object of the verb think. Presented in this way the message draws focus to what to think not how to think. Actually, if we think, the message is about how to think, not what to think.

Razvan Vilt posted a great comment yesterday. We appreciate the feedback.

First, the EFIKA will be priced at $99 or less. A complete system based on the EFIKA with HDD will be priced below $249. That will help drive change in the embedded market. We should make this more clear. Thank you Razvan for reminding us we need to emphasize that more. This pricing will be available in three to four months. We are working that out now. About the rest...

...and what could be better than that.

One Laptop Per Child

Photo courtesy of OLPC

Answer & Questions (in that order):

One size fits all. Why only one?

Why only children!?

One Fish Per Child

This might be more effective. We struggle with the OLPC concept and its arrogance. Thank you OLPC News - lampoon to you! We read "OLPC" and see the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat and so on... (Engels).

The transfer of data to knowledge is the progressive application of information and is learning. Learning is best driven by a need not a requirement. When those needs are self-generated and the resources are available, learning is quick. The Internet is all about that. Empowerment is akin to harnessing energy to do useful work.

Google has disintermediated more traditional media through the PC and the internet.

Yikes! When we look at all the SEC filings posted yesterday from Freescale we remember why we don't want to be a public company. Between the 10Q, the 14A and all the exhibits, etc. it is too much reading this morning to write a blog. Hopefully, all option holders will get $40/share, the lawsuits will all be overcome/dismissed and Freescale won't have to report commodity trading losses for hedging gold ever again! Urgh.

In Swahili, harambee roughly means united we succeed. We were some years ago involved in a Harambee Project in Kapsara, Kenya through the Crossroads Africa Program.

Kapsara is about seven miles from Kitale

The Project was focused on building a two room school addition. The secondary school we were to expand was already in use.

The Editor is managing the medium. The advertising must be working. We hope the movie BABEL is great. We are working on a BoP Project now for Morocco. It is all about power2people.

The BABEL ad link takes you to Paramount's official site and is it any surprise the trailer is only in QuickTime and undoubtedly coming to iTunes.

We also saw this ad today:

Go ahead, click through...

Every once in a while after you have heard yourself say the same things over and over again (Let Freedom Ring!), you tell yourself to start over. When you do, you begin with some fundamental questions, such as, do they understand what we are saying and is there a better way to explain the change? Today, we explore the question of FLOSS. It should be easy to explain why governments in emerging markets would be interested (PDF, OO).

Source code is like sheet music.


**Reading this blog requires thought and involvement!**

Photo courtesy of Garth

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