Lukas, Bill, Marek (from the left), Prague, July 2006

You have to go where people are if you want to get them involved. Community and collaboration are just meaningless buzz words without associated action. That is Bill Laumeister, Chair of the SoC Design Hierarchy Technical Subcommittee, in Prague earlier this week with the Czech Pegasos User Group President, Lukas Stehlik, and our Czech Reseller, Marek Klobaska.

Buy the music with your name!

It *is* a Public Affair and a big step in a new direction. The new music industry is forming. It's a remix!

1. The song can be personalized for 500 different names. That makes 500 versions of the same thing or maybe that should be two versions: mine and the rest.

2. There are no digital security management features and it can be played on all known devices (mp3).

Jessica, Sony BMG and Yahoo Music (more to follow) vs.

CIO Today has since changed the text, but that is what it said when Google Alerts picked it up. Imagine! All in the same week as the Freescale Technology Forum?! Do we have a marketing problem?!

Well, maybe not any more!

There is a new logo and the new website is open! There is even a software plan.

It serves up Windows, OSX and Gentoo. It is a fully loaded PegasosPPC. It replaced a Via EPIA Mini-ITX running Win 2000 Server in a big tower. The PEGASERVE is a Pegasos II G4 running Gentoo in a 4U server rack and a few more things...

Outside the PEGASERVE

Inside the PEGASERVE

CUPS works perfectly. The laser printer is accessible from Windows, Linux and OSX workstations. The printer is a Brother HL-1430 using drivers for Gentoo and official drivers for Win/OSX.

Yes, there is a CELL Simulator running on the ODW.
6 is Open for Business in China

We announced this yesterday and this today.

La Coppa del Mondo è stata un grande evento.

Congratulazioni alla Germania!

Congratulazioni all'Italia, che ha vinto il Campionato del Mondo.

If you went to school in Europe, you might have studied Greek. Or, perhaps, you were a budding theologian, but it is more likely that you can relate to the Latin quod erat demonstrandum that you might remember from a Geometry class long ago. The abbreviated version is QED.

What core is best and why? QED:

Power fills the first three places and eleven of the top twenty. At the top, this is being done with a "slow" 800MHz processor.

The conventional wisdom works like this:

The home entertainment market is going through a revolutionary transformation to digital technology. Two things are happening. One is technology is getting better at addressing user desires (DVDs, faster/broader internet, digital cameras, etc.) and the other is governments are forcing change - analogue television is being switched off.
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