Hey! We are alive. Everything is fine.

367 days ago we wrote this...


OK, we are a couple days late, but we have been involved for a while and we just want to say that Sun Microsystems, above all other major players in the IT market, is the innovation leader.

We predict, that in the long run, OpenSolaris will contribute more to the IT universe than Windows or GNU/Linux.

P-O-W-E-R !!! POWER !!! Rah !!! Rah !!! Rant !!!

Rant?! Yes, rant. Here goes:

We spent a few hours listening to the IBM Global Business Briefing yesterday and this morning. Listening to everything it is hard to understand why the stock is trading down. IBM (NYSE:IBM) is the market. This could be part of the problem. This could also be the reason for hope!

Our take away: we think there is one thing that IBM might not have.

In Search Of A PC For The People


The picture is worth the other 500 words.

The picture is worth 500 words. More tomorrow...

Change is an inevitable part of life. Change mostly comes to us, but change as an objective is change that is won through hard work and perseverance. The latter is something entirely different than the former.

We Want You!

The Power.org Worldwide Developer Conference will be held in San Francisco 5-7 December. You will certainly want to be there. In the meanwhile, come on over and join! You are welcome to send us an email if you have questions.

We intend to fashion the Event around the highly successful PegasosPPC Day we hosted with Freescale after SNDF Europe in the fall of 2004.

There are really two important ingredients to the Conference. What happens during the Event and what happens after.

Today, Canonical released Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. The key ingredients are:

1. The extended support period of 5 years for the server.

2. The ability to host ISV software - and make it available to all of the Ubuntu installed base.

Please read the Press Release.

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Ubuntu has carved out a very respectable place in the market and we have appreciated the opportunity to work with them.
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