Creed was a great band (guess we have picked up this music thing lately). The lyrics come from Higher, which one could argue was their greatest hit.


It is also the question on the mind of every corporate Human Resources manager - especially during interviews!


Most corporate executives and nearly all mid-level managers have had nothing to do with the creation of a company's value. They sustain it and sometimes they help grow it. They are hired to do that - especially at the beginning of their careers. They join and play on a team that is more of a machine than the fluid mass of change and opportunity that defines the greater world around them.

It is a great album and DVD is even better

It came out last year (of a concert the July before), but we did not pick it up until this weekend. This is the right idea. Great music and the "Live in Paris" concert DVD feels like, well, it feels like you are there. We would grab a screen, but of course...

Seal is headed for the Arockalypse too.

When the Apple crutch was removed so too was the small cult that defined the advantages of POWER. The rest of the POWER industry had been content to sit back, slumber along and reap the rewards without amplifying the message. The Apple folks did a great job. Things changed.

Can you hear me now?!

Why do IBM & Freescale sell POWER, ARM and MIPS?

Well, market applications demand it, that's why! Could POWER play a bigger part? Yes, but the advantages of POWER have not been clearly articulated.


Marcel Unbehaun (a.k.a. frostworks) has been busy again. Gnome-xgl looks good. KDE-xgl and Enlightenment 17 are looking good too. "Enlightenmedia" or for short "emedia" will be a huge collection for a multimedia live-system, containing hundreds of open source applications. Marcel will release it for ppc-machines, mainly the PegasosPPC, but maybe also for ppc-macs. We worry about you too! Most applications are compiled with altivec optimizations.

The easier it is to copy music or video or whatever, the less of a problem piracy really is. When piracy gets easier, pirates will have less to offer or said another way -- all pirates will be fans. There are ways to organize an economy around fans -- especially when you can offer a better/cooler/more convenient way to do what they do already - see iPod success. An OPEN and "trusted" platform that leverages computing to do old things in new ways is key.

All we need is lightning

With power and might...

Finland won the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend. Pictured above is the lead monster, Mr. Lordi. Congratulations to the winners and to Finland! 30 years ago there was KISS (the faces were trademarked with the USPTO). Lordi sounds a bit more modern, but reminds us bands from the earlier period - Nazareth, Judas Priest, AC/DC. You can watch the winning performance on Google Video.

After all that is what the Three Gorges Dam is all about. It is hailed in China as the modern engineering equivalent of the Great Wall. The structural work was completed last weekend. It is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world and will be fully operational in 2008.

And, not a moment too soon! They are going to need all that electricity to power the hundreds of millions of electronic devices and computers destined to be needed there.
2 the right idea.

The FreedomToaster is a step in the right direction against the hardware conflicts with the deployed image. The Ubuntu folks have a lot of great ideas and we Partner with them. We salute Mark, Canonical and all the Ubuntu Team - Sun Microsystems too for what they have done (click through FreedomToaster image above).

The FreedomToaster addresses the conflicts faced locally.

Well, that title should drive in some traffic, but it is not quite that - it is almost that. What do you think of the screenshot using the 2.6.15 GNU/Linux kernel and Gentoo on the Open Desktop Workstation?

Just one thing: it is a different graphics card!

The XGI V3XT is what is getting bundled with the EFIKA systems we blogged about earlier this week. They should not only work well for the Amiga Reunification Project, but support plenty of GNU/Linux distributions and a whole bunch more.

Little-Fe/PowerPC has been on the road - California, New York, Texas - next stop TeraGrid '06. It has even made the rounds at the National Science Foundation (USA). You can download information about the Project by clicking on the image.

Many institutions and teaching environments do not have access to parallel platforms for parallel and distributed computing education. Teaching key concepts such as speedup, efficiency, and load balancing are much more effectively done on a parallel platform.
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