This is a rendering of what an EFIKA-based Genesi tablet could look like. This device would support XGL (as shown here), OpenGL 2.0, HighDef 720p and 1080i video playback (component/s-video out). The EFIKA uses a Freescale 5200B cpu, and XGI V3XT gpu. This brings the BOM for the system to well under $100, not including case and screen. We can use off the shelf hardware because we have HAL/OF, which can emulate x86 BIOS code required to bring up graphic cards. We can integrate a video camera for video conferencing.

We can make this in various sizes (7inch - 27inch) and deploy as thin client (USB keyboard/mouse) and regular desktop. To make this device useful to developers we reduce the compile-link-debug cycle dramatically by making available access to the MyPowerPC GRID.

Simon Phipps wrote an interesting blog recently. Parasites and Revolutionaries is a commentary on his observations on FISL in Brazil. His observations apply far beyond Brazil.

We think there is a whole new market as of yet untapped by the legacy systems that currently cripple opportunity. We will seek through to make sure this sort of thing does not happen this time. One way to do that is lower the barriers to entry and this does not mean only the cost of the machine.

Our Company, Genesi, has been working as an active member of to enable the entire Power Architecture ecosystem. A major initiative for our Company is an ongoing reference design project with IBM (NYSE:IBM) to take their latest dual core POWER chip, the 970MP (a version Apple missed), and adapt it for a cost effective offering to target the low end server market. Our eight layer single board solution includes two 970MP processors.

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Kai-Fu Lee, head of operations for Google in China, is a remarkable person. He said that.

This past weekend we read a NYTimes Magazine article about Google in China (and China in Google). The odyssey of the author's confusion over the issue illuminates another "distorted universe." China is China. Google is American.

Tom Riddle of Sun Labs had some good news for us this past week. Tom has a native Solaris PowerPC kernel and he is stepping through it now on the ODW target. He is debugging it and he can build successfully. A lot of the framework is up. We can't wait to get at it.

Thanks Tom. Thanks Sun.

To be honest this blog is about more than turning lead into gold. It is really oriented more toward the theory of natural selection. Darwin teaches that the transmutation of a species is related to the capability of prospering in slowly but inevitably changing environments to the breeding of those members with the most adaptable characteristics. Friends, we are not writing about the Galapagos Islands. We blog today about IBM (NYSE:IBM) and the Evolution of the Species.

We have a few things to put in this case. We are working on it! This will certainly come in handy, and this too.

What was there before the printed press? Was the device the word of mouth? Cavemen sitting around a campfire telling mastodon stories? We could call it the friends & fire channel.

The word of mouth part probably has not changed. As time went on that word spread faster in print because you probably only heard what I said if you could.

For the shorter stories we still had the Town Crier with his bell and printed papers.

Later, we had printed stories that came out every day.

We have been busy. Things are going well.

We are all still here!

We wanted to share an interaction we have had in the last couple of days because for us it seems like a sign of things to come. Take a closer look at this view of the same thing:

The day is coming

The Earth is a 24/7 operation. Some one, some where is starting their new day right now.
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