The EFIKA Developer Program is online!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the EFIKA Developer Program has moved from here - - to here - PPCZone. As mentioned earlier each EFIKA Project has an area in which the Project Owner can log notes and be linked from PPCZone forums/posts. It looks like a Blogger page (to some degree) but the sidebar will be generated to track:

* Subversion repository for source code

* Released files

* Recent forum posts by the Project Owner

* Commentary from the Project Owner

Each "blog" post would have categories for "General" and then each project you "own" would have a category for it so you could look at all posts concerning a selected OS, or all posts about Media Centers, or all posts about TV tuner or Server related work and then a way to track releases.

An Absolutely Amazing Developer!

OK, there are many in Poland. Here are some and there are more coming! Nicolaus Koppernigk pictured above came before. In 1514 he distributed a little book containing seven axioms:

1. There is no one centre in the universe.

2. The Earth's centre is not the centre of the universe.

3. The centre of the universe is near the sun.

4. The distance from the Earth to the sun is imperceptible compared with the distance to the stars.


The High Density Blade Server is finally ready for Evaluation!

We have been talking about more coolness to come for a while. It has been long development, but we think it will be worth it. The High Density Blade Server (HDB) is on sale now for Evaluation Purposes - blades, chassis, drives and PSU.

Update: Disney buys Pixar. Steve Jobs joins Disney BoD. Steve becomes largest Disney shareholer. Apple has more now, but...

Apple has a headstart and Intel is off the blocks to attempt to do to the Consumer Electronics industry what they have done to the PC market. All in all it is a good thing because resources and mindshare are being focused on the opportunity. Naturally, that brings us back to us. We have been busy too, but first a few more details...

All the News That's Fits We'll Print

The three top News stories on this morning are about or mention OpenSolaris on POWER. Our hats are off to the whole Blastware Team - special thanks to Dennis, Cyril, and Ken. We also want to acknowledge the diligent effort of Tom Riddle at Sun Labs. That is great! In the meanwhile, over in IBM land the PegasosPPC is getting the same level of exposure.

It is early Saturday. It is q u i e t. Time for some fun! How about Saturday Night Live (early)! Off to iTunes...

Note to Apple: More Chevy Chase and what about Land Shark?!

It is all about distribution. The switch to Intel is logical. Apple will become Dell and we will all be pods, living in the world of HRM.*

*Human Rights Management

Question: What happened?!

Peanut Gallery: Told you it was all about the Garden of Eden!

Answer: We forgot to participate, forgot how to create, forgot to...

The Free EFIKA Developer Program has started!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the EFIKA Developer Program is moving full steam ahead over on 90 posts and 5000 page views later this Program is getting started with a bang. We will be visiting with the Administrators today to determine the best way to take the next step. Either there or on PPCZone we will create a space for each EFIKA Project from which you can log project notes and be linked from forums/posts.


has started!

The Free EFIKA Developer Program has started!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are on the road to a real $100 Computer and just in time because these people are going to need it! So, it is the moment to hustle over to Power Developer to register if you want to see watts it all about!




Of course, they are everywhere, but here we are again writing about another Developer from the elite Hungarian Pegasos User Group. And, that's right: Free Pascal on the ODW is being used again!

The serial port unit for Free Pascal on PegasosPPC is working.

So, what is the deal with Free Pascal?

1. It's probably not the most widely used programming language, but it's used at most universities for the very thing it was originally developed: to teach programming.

Congratulations to the Team. They finished in a close second! The site is an outstanding place to keep up to date with the latest and greatest Pegasos developments, not only for Swedish Pegasos Users, but for all those interested in PegPower. wins $250 for being the

2005 Runner-Up Support Site

for PegasosPPC/ODW Users.

Plus, there is something more we are going to do to acknowledge the interest and support Users get from
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