Season's Greetings, World!

Peace on Earth, good will to all...

The Community is the Computer.


Christmas Sleigh Navigation System tests successfully!

Santa is all systems go!

Tonight is the big night!

The Community is the Computer.

Things are moving fast, far and wide in all directions, and yet everything is still connected.

Scalable to the nth degree

We discussed the foundation of our approach earlier this month. Having the right partners is essential. The Community is the Computer.

What do you see and hear when you watch the video? Or, perhaps it is more appropriate to ask what do you understand. The EFIKA has onboard sound. Gentoo can be compiled from source to do what you want. Many people working on the same foundation and sharing effort accomplish more faster. The Internet is a carrier of content and Google is doing more to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful (NASDAQ:GOOG) than may appear in your browser.

The lowest common denominator of all media is the sender-receiver relationship. Understanding the message we get back from the receiver and managing the media to optimize the sender's intent is the foundation of opportunity. Television is a one way broadcast. The internet offers a medium that is both individually addressable and two-way. The interaction and the opportunity flows in both directions.

So far, so good!

Overall, FedEx has done a remarkable job getting the EFIKA to everywhere it is supposed to be. FedEx Delivers to the World On Time is about 99% true, which from a global marketing sense is very much more than a good thing. We had a couple of problems and we are working through them, but this is a function more of where they went and not how they got there. FedEx gets a "10" from Genesi and power2people.

That was the idea.

It all seemed pretty straightforward to us

Destination to destiny, our objective was to place the EFIKA into the hands of skilled operators. The long-held belief was that this would satisfy a need in the Power Ecosystem. While our thought, word and deed have fallen on deaf ear at, others have heard the call. The whole question of power and where it rests is the issue.

Google is user driven.

In Poland Marcin Kurek decided to get his EFIKA organized in same the "gr8" case we have been discussing lately.

The gr8 case!

André calls it triplegood

With a USB stick that holds a 32 megabyte Linux operating system we can give Marcin a few options. If we go with a 64 megabyte stick, we could probably squeeze a couple operating systems on one stick. The same stick boots the EFIKA or the PegasosPPC/ODW. Cost for a 64M custom stick is around $10 and maybe less.

Genesi was accepted in the Sun Startup Essentials program this past week.* You could say we are a start-up right out of the box...

This is EFIKA to Ground Control. The EFIKA has landed.

That is, many of them. The Community is the Computer. Go Zig!


* Actually, we were accepted on 28 November. We missed that email.

As we reported some time ago, our objective with power2people was to enable self-learners and open communication between them. In yesterday's blog, we highlighted three characteristics of the platform:

1. Low cost featuring free (cost/libre) software and an inexpensive case

2. Ease of use - low power, low temperature, high reliability

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