That's it !!!

It is a sub-laptop actually and we have been using the internal name of 4U2 while under development. It is based on the original EFIKA 5K2 design. The 4U2 works on standard mobile networks with either a prepaid or your current SIM or WIFI (public or private: see fon). The SIM manages the initial DRM-gateway-billing-security functions. Your industry standard Bluetooth headset works in both cases. You want video (watching or chatting) and have bandwidth available? Go for it!

It is finally all coming together!

We are using the low-cost SoC from Freescale, the MPC 5200B. Of course, you can customize your desktop based on what you need to do.
6 a disconnected world. There are still plenty of places that won't be reading this blog or any other today. Often, those places are not as far away as you might think.

Here is a picture of Raquel on a Russian MI-24 (also known as a Hind-D). That was five years ago between Tuzla and Sarajevo. That summer we helped fund and participated in a Humanitarian Demining Project in conjunction with Norwegian Peoples Aid and the UN Mine Action Center.

Updated! (11.27.1200)

The Wake-up Call and the latest Google moves must be working. This past week, Nokia confirmed that it will no longer release business phones without WiFi capability. It was just back in May, when a Nokia R&D VP, said that WiFi would form a part of its future high-end handsets and that 802.11 would be an option, but just another option. At the time that did not mean that WiFi would be used for handling voice calls.

You can do it. Any one can. Of course, running a 100m or swimming the English Channel faster than any one else probably requires somewhat more preparation and effort than leapfrogging, but in this case the objective was to do it. In the process, we raised money for a new hospital fund.

It does not really matter who you are, where you are or how much you have.

Let's do it!

Go Team!

There is some cool stuff in this Book!

We have and will continue to sponsor the Pegasos Book or originally known as the Le livre du Pegasos. A first release of the Pegasos Book in English is now available. The Pegasos Book is a free document of 150+ pages in PDF format in French and English.

...or work, or video conference, or whatever.

There are numerous possibilities and the opportunity seems to grow unabated.

What's in your call center?

The Pegasos HAL/OF enhanced EFIKA 5K2 (EFIKA video divx, mp4) is headed your way.

Come fill your glasses, friends, and stand up in a row,

To blogging sentimentally, we're going for to go,

In public its notoriety or sales can be too slow,

So we'll sing our appreciation to drunkenbatman, oh!

Oh, drunkenbatman, oh! Oh, drunkenbatman, oh!

So we'll sing our appreciation to drunkenbatman, oh!

Cheers to you drunkenbatman!

Does that read drunken? Well, we tried to make it sound so...

What was it that Marshall McLuhan was talking about before there were color televisions and some 20 years before personal computers -- to say nothing of the Internet!?! How about we try to sum that up and draw some conclusions about what is happening today. After all, that is the point.

McLuhan's medium is our self-projection into the world. The message we get back has to do with the changes that the medium induces. Our task is to recognize those changes and manage them through the medium.

...he has earned them.

The White Stripes are great, but we are not talking about Jack today. We are talking about Chris...

Chris White, that is. He is an ODW Gentoo PowerPC Rock Star! Here is a picture of his workstation (ODW on the left):

So, what has Chris been up to lately?!

In his latest development, Chris has targeted to administrators who want to run secure, cost effective servers without spending too much on additional parts.

Other blog titles we considered...

Power to the People


Friday Free Stuff (...but, Mary sort of has that one already.)

Let Freedom Ring II

The latter follows up on the previous blog of the same title from last week: Let Freedom Ring. In any case, the point is we have decided to make the complete design and component listing for the PegasosPPC available for free download. The PegasosPPC is the mainboard and CPU card used in the Award-Winning Open Desktop Workstation (ODW).
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