This was fun.

If you participated in the test and you answered "all the above" or selected each answer have some ice cream. Even if you did not, have some anyway. It is Sunday! Here are the answers to...

What is "pie in the sky?"

a. Traditional

A flying pie is as unbelievable as a flying saucer, but actually more historically related to the "Holy Grail." Some time between the Crusades, Rhodes, Malta and then being banished from the last island kingdom by Napoleon the vision went from the chalice to a pie (we made that up). Some even see pizza! Basically, it is an expression to recognize the lack of validity in a assertion or promise. That is the traditional view of the flying pie.

This is a test.

At your leisure, you may participate in a test. Please select all correct answers.

What is "pie in the sky?"

a. Traditional

b. Meteorological

c. Scientific


That was the 1928 American Presidential Campaign Slogan of Herbert Hoover. President Hoover had an interesting life and served as the U.S. President from 1928-1932.

Let's go ahead and twist that a bit...

En komputer til alle hjem!

You probably don't read Danish, so just in case, that would be:

A Computer for Every Home!

When we started the Free Developer Workstation Program, we were not sure who we would come to know, but it sure has been a rewarding and interesting experience for us.

Most commonly known as "what goes up must come down," Newton's Third Law is one of three that are the bedrock of the science of Physics. Today, it seems fitting that we acknowledge that forces come in pairs, equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

Let's take a look at how that works in a University Physics Department...

UCSD Physics Department Home Page

Go ahead and click through to the UCSD Physics home page and try out the nifty monitoring tool at the top of the page.

µnOS is up and running on the ODW. You can stop by see it at Systems 2005 this week in München.

µnOS on the ODW

The "µ-kernel on nano-kernel Operating System" is positioned as a completely new approach to an embeddable, scalable and distributable multitasking operating system. You can find out more on the Miray site.

Nice work guys! Best wishes for a great Show!

R&B :-)


Well, that is what the hard working guys at Open Source Labs call it! They have a PegasosPPC all suited up in an acrylic case we donated to them and running a webcam in their new data center.

Click through to see the latest and greatest!

Prettyboy is pointing at the middle of a 2,000 square foot data center that is about to be remodeled and brought up to date for the OSL and other University groups to use.

And, come to think of it our Partner P.A.

Friday we attended most of the first Austin OpenSolaris User Group Meeting. We met Simon Phipps, Sara Dornsife and Teresa Giacomini of Sun and we finally met Al Hopper. Simon and Al made great presentations. Thanks! Thanks also to Sara and Dave Marquardt of Sun for getting things organized.

We wrote about the whole Google Print vs. the Writers Guild squabble about a month ago (scroll down in the old blog). It seems the whole situation is heating up as some major heavyweights have joined the fray. The plaintiffs now include McGraw-Hill Cos. Inc., Pearson Plc's Pearson Education and Penguin Group (USA) units, Viacom Inc.'s Simon & Schuster and John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Check it out!

OK, so this digital divide is growing broader and deeper.

We just wrote this?!

OK, OK, so what....

The Nintendo DS is the network!

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