Thanks Sun for the great idea! We hope to have OpenSolaris running soon!

R&B :-)

P.S. Did you ever think about joining :-)

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bbrv's photostream on Flickr.

Limited and customized versions will be available from ETTO...

Slimbook Peripherals

Originally uploaded by bbrv

Just a quick post. More later...


Knowledge compounds. The experiences that we have in life, in business and in society, should drive us to learn and to improve. That is, if we want to get better. Knowledge is wealth and grows when learning is applied and compounded.


openSUSE on Efika MX

There was a nice article posted online yesterday by Linux Magazine of Germany: Open-Suse-Image für ARM-Computer.


Beta Test Party!

The Beta version of Doudoulinux has been released for the Efika MX. DoudouLinux is especially designed for children to make computer use as easy and pleasant as possible. The image can be downloaded from


Happy Birthday Genesi !!!

Today is Genesi's 9th Birthday in the USA. We are a bit older in Europe, but Happy Birthday to us nevertheless! Thank you to all of our customers past and present.


The i.MX6 from Freescale

This past year has been one of many surprises, so we will add another one before year end. We are pressing ahead to the i.MX6.


imx53 Presentation System running Citrix 12.0

from Sao Paulo to Windows 7 host at

We built the presentation system to hold the new imx53, 50x100mm, four-layer board. The imx53 Efika MX products will perform better and cost less to manufacture. Our most recent travels took us to Brazil.


Powering Potential's Janice Lathen and the Efika MX

meet Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete

As mentioned in the last blog, the Convention of the Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America (DICOTA) was held in Washington D.C. this past weekend.


The Genesi i.MX53 board seen at FTF in June has been through its second revision. The BOM has changed, creating another level of design work. The delay will save us money and time (e.g., long lead time parts have been designed out and more expensive parts have been replaced by less expensive parts).


We have been correctly accused of letting our blog-duties slip. The last two months have been a bit busy. The Genesi Scrum was a great success. As talented as the Genesi software team is, it was more than fun to see many of them working together during the month of June.


The Daily Scrum gets started every day on time. All are welcomed (we had a Freescale Engineer attend this morning). The meeting time target is 15 minutes.


The Genesi Scrum is well underway. The progress the Team has made is phenomenal. We appreciate the support and sponsorship from Future Electronics.


You cannot use a computer without expending energy. Rechargeable batteries give us mobility, but what to do when we find ourselves outside of the conventional power grid? This has been an issue we have been working on for years ( examples).


Nearly five years ago, we wrote a blog entitled It's the End User Device! We suggested that in the grand scheme of things, people and their fundamental interests and interactions have not changed.


It is what a laptop should be!

The Efika MX Smartbook has reached another milestone, this time in affordability. With this week's software release, the Efika MX Smartbook will go on sale for the new price of $199. The 3G version will sell for $249 (add your own SIM).


We are lowering the price of the Efika MX SmartTOP next week to 95 Euro. The price change will coincide with an updated software release, which will include a new kernel and many improvements (battery manager, display support, audio, etc., etc!).


We wishing everyone a great 2011. Please forgive the delay in posting the latest and greatest!

The best news of the New Year is we are getting some great support from Freescale. We even have a Freescale vanity page now:


We are designing our next products now. They are based on the Freescale i.mx53. The goal is to produce a low-cost board that can be sold as a single board solution, a desktop, a laptop and a tablet (we could say a smarttop, a smartbook, and a smarttablet, but you get the idea).


Cloud computing will essentially define computing as we all know it.

7 Dec 2010

Eric Schmidt

CEO Google

Google is doing it again: Google Unveils Chrome OS, Notebook Pilot Program. The 'Nexus One' of netbooks is coming (every setback is a learning opportunity).


It was nice last week to be finally recognized by Linaro: Genesi donates 55 ARM netbooks to Linaro developers. If Linaro can help solve the problems of fragmentation in Linux for ARM this will be a great thing. We will continue to do what we can to assist in the effort.


Android Everywhere!

Thanks to our friends at Jayway and the progressive and continuous development work of Michael Grunditz all the Efika MX products were demonstrated this past week at the Stockholm Google Technology User Group‎ meeting.


Those that know us, know that we have been a fan of Pixel Qi since the Company was founded. It is nice to see a market ready display so fully functional and ready. Pixel Qi is the only non-captive LCD design company in the world.


Here is a short video of a fun game being played in Android with the Efika MX at Öredev this past week.

Michael Grunditz and the Jayway Team did a great job getting this ready for the conference.


This past Friday we spent the morning at Freescale in Austin. Accompanying us on the trip was the new Efika MX Smartbook 3G with Ubuntu 10.10. Using an AT&T Data Plan we were able to stay connected from Austin to San Antonio.


UPDATE: EmdebianSprint2010

It is time to take a break, but we are getting ready for the next developer oriented event, a Debian Sprint! "Sprints" are developer meetings that are focused to work on specific parts of Debian with the goal of having fun at the same time.


The Efika MX Hackathon is underway - with some folks coming straight from Linaro@UDS. We will probably all need a break after next Tuesday.

Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's...


Are you an EFIKAMAN?!

Yes, EFIKAMAN has been busy this week.


Come see the Efika MX SmartBook and SmartTop in the Freescale Booth at Adobe MAX next week.

Efika MX Smartbook Android Flash

You will see Froyo 2.2 with Flash 10.1 motoring along if you can be there.


It is not too much of a stretch when you think about it. Advertisers have been paying for access to consumers for years. Advertising is what made television. Have you seen the latest Google TV video?

The Kindle is distributed with a network connection.

Big TV!

Thanks to Tom Bailey of Jayway the Efika MX SmartTop was demonstrated last night at the Stockholm Google Technology User Group‎ meeting. Thanks Tom!

Little MX!

Michael Grunditz also brought the Efika MX SmartBook and the SmartTablet prototype.


The old PC went out in a recycling bin. The speakers were still good. We replaced the monitor and selected a compact wireless keyboard/mouse. You can barely see the Efika MX where the keyboard used to be. The "desktop" machine hardly has the visible and concrete presence it once did.


Qt programming contest for 3rd year IT degree and exchange students...

This is a Contest

Let's go folks! Get signed up and do your best. If your only resource in life is time, there is no better to do.

With a room full of Efika MX tops and books, Matt is coordinating the development of a number of different software packages. The Efika MX products ship with a pre‐installed Linux operating system, using Kernel


The reports are in. Android Only was a great success. Our compliments to our partners at Jayway and to the event organizer, Peter Svensson, who did a particularly great job. Thank you, Jayway! Thank you, Peter! You folks are right:

Android it's not (just) a phone.

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