Thanks Sun for the great idea! We hope to have OpenSolaris running soon!

R&B :-)

P.S. Did you ever think about joining :-)

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  1. Slimbook - AluminumSlimbook PeripheralsETTO Classroomblog_fireworks_10yearsblog_sunsetGenesi Lobby (Downtown)
    Genesi Training Room (Downtown)Genesi Software Development Room (Downtown)Happy Face!openSUSE on Efika MXdoudoulinux Efika MX usersi.mx6
    Efika MX Desktop (returned)Android ICS on Efika MXimx53 Efika MX presentation systemEfika MX2 FrontEfika MX2 SideJanice with Tanzanian President Kikwete
    Taxi Tablet - Bogota, ColumbiaAjiaco Santafereno - Bogota, ColumbiaBogota, ColumbiaEfika MX Smartbook - Honduras 8/11Honduras Trade ShowEfika MX Smartbook - Honduras Trade Show
    bbrv's photostream on Flickr.
    Limited and customized versions will be available from ETTO...

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  2. Slimbook Peripherals
    Originally uploaded by bbrv

    Just a quick post. More later...

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  3. Knowledge compounds. The experiences that we have in life, in business and in society, should drive us to learn and to improve. That is, if we want to get better. Knowledge is wealth and grows when learning is applied and compounded.

    It is a dated, but this is an excellent graphic from Beecham Research

    Last week, Genesi was mentioned in a Gartner Report on the subject of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT seems to be phase two of the smart connected device era. Worldwide shipments of smart connected devices grew 29.1% year over year in 2012, crossing 1 billion units shipped with a value of $576.9 billion. The market expansion was largely driven by 78.4% year-over-year growth in tablet shipments, which surpassed 128 million in 2012.*

    Apple and Samsung are stimulating and benefiting the most from this growth. Both organizations use internally designed chips based on the ARM architecture. Not surprisingly, Lenovo recently announced they will begin to do the same. Lenovo’s seeks more control over the destiny of their smartphones and tablets, or, said another way -- better management of their supply chain. Wholly owned HiSilicon makes chips for Huawei. The trend will continue. Vertical integration is becoming a necessity.

    Starting off as a maker of air conditioners and televisions, Samsung expanded into chip production. Today, Samsung is the largest producer of DRAM as well as a leading supplier of NAND flash. Samsung makes large-screen televisions and displays, automotive electronics, printers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, and mobile phones -- becoming a front runner in each market (they even build ships!). Gartner reports that Samsung sold nearly 65 million Android phones in 2012 and could sell over 50% of all Android devices globally in 2013. Samsung controls and closely manages many supply chains and makes a lot of things.

    As the evolution continues, the supply chain will progressively engage the consumer. The tablet-smartphone hybrid is yet another entrée into the publishing/digital distribution business. In this regard, Apple is way out front, but Samsung has 100% Indie off and running and Tizen is being readied (it is not really clear where the Samsung-Google/Android relationship will go). Eventually, they will all be in the advertising business -- some more, others less -- especially if Google continues to have a say in this, not to mention Facebook, Amazon and all the network operators. Digital coupons will lead to brokering financial transactions. One day, you may get all your media for free in exchange for your transaction loyalty.

    That said, Samsung could be converging in another way. The Galaxy S4 or its successors could be the ultimate remote control/control panel -- not only for your media, but for your refrigerator and a lot other things too (electronic nudge: kimchi at highest nutritional value, pH level is at 4.3, eat soon as you need at least 500 calories in the next two hours...). This could be another growth path from Samsung. Things will pull us into new dimensions.

    The tablet has not only lowered the cost, it has made computing easier. There are more consumers for a less complicated technology. There are more devices, and more connectivity, with more and more things all collecting and exchanging information. That is more learning and knowingness, all compounding at a accelerating rates. Like the wind, you won't see it, but you will see what it does.

    As technology advances, we will struggle to keep our opt-out options open. Business stakes will go higher. Cyber wars will escalate. We have some challenges ahead.


    R&BHappy Face!

    Worldwide Smart Connected Device Market Crossed 1 Billion Shipments in 2012, Apple Pulls Near Samsung in Fourth Quarter, According to IDC 

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  4. openSUSE on Efika MX

    openSUSE on Efika MX

    There was a nice article posted online yesterday by Linux Magazine of Germany: Open-Suse-Image für ARM-Computer.  The article applauded the efforts of the openSUSE Team and particularly Bernhard Wiedemann, who recently posted on his blog instructions for booting openSUSE on the Efika MX. We are very pleased to have the support of the openSUSE Team. Vielen herzlichen Dank!

    Genesi has been working with the openSUSE Team pretty much from the beginning. The first Linux distribution running on the earliest version of the PegasosPPC in 2002 was "SuSE" (openSUSE:Genesi). With the growing importance of energy efficiency in the personal computer market, it is good to see more distributions jumping on to ARM (openSUSE ARM:Portal). Stay up-to-date at where the latest information is always posted. Communities build volume!


    R&BHappy Face!


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  5. doudoulinux Efika MX users

    Beta Test Party!

    The Beta version of Doudoulinux has been released for the Efika MX. DoudouLinux is especially designed for children to make computer use as easy and pleasant as possible. The image can be downloaded from

    A big shout out to Jean-Michel, the Doudoulinx leader, for the armel installable ports of the Doudoulinux packages and to dreagle for making the arm rootfs, compiling the Efika MX packages and cross building, while tweaking and imaging the system for release. Of course, we would also like to thank all the Doudoulinux contributors. We are very pleased to have Doudoulinux support for the Efika MX. Great work!


    R&BHappy Face!


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  6. Happy Birthday Genesi!

    Happy Birthday Genesi !!!

    Today is Genesi's 9th Birthday in the USA. We are a bit older in Europe, but Happy Birthday to us nevertheless! Thank you to all of our customers past and present. We grateful for all the opportunities we have had and for all the great people and companies we have had a chance to work with. From the Genesi Team, thank you all for our Happy Birthday!


    R&BHappy Face!


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  7. i.mx6

    The i.MX6 from Freescale

    This past year has been one of many surprises, so we will add another one before year end. We are pressing ahead to the i.MX6. While our i.MX53 design will be available for license, too much time has past between chip availability, our first boards and the final version that is now being produced.  We have decided to shift ahead. That is our Holiday Surprise.  There will be an Efika MX with an i.MX6 in 2012.

    The final i.MX53 design is very inexpensive to manufacture. It is a four-layer board.  There are many great qualities about it.  Even better, the software was finished last week. It is ready to go to market.  We will be showing it at CES in January. 

    We are wishing you all a joyous Holiday Season and a fantastic 2012. Thank you for making 2011 a great year for the Efika MX and Genesi.


    R&BHappy Face!


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  8. imx53 Efika MX presentation system
    imx53 Presentation System running Citrix 12.0
    from Sao Paulo to Windows 7 host at

    We built the presentation system to hold the new imx53, 50x100mm, four-layer board. The imx53 Efika MX products will perform better and cost less to manufacture. Our most recent travels took us to Brazil. It's a big country with lots of people that want to be online and many companies that are interested in helping them do that. In the mean time, if you have not upgraded your software, please do. You will feel a significant improvement. Please stop by PowerDeveloper to get the latest and greatest, and to see what else is going on...


    R&BHappy Face!


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  9. Janice with Tanzanian President Kikwete
    Powering Potential's Janice Lathen and the Efika MX
    meet Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete

    As mentioned in the last blog, the Convention of the Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America (DICOTA) was held in Washington D.C. this past weekend. The Efika MX received some great exposure at the Event (see table). Thank you Janice!


    R&BHappy Face!


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  10. The Genesi i.MX53 board seen at FTF in June has been through its second revision. The BOM has changed, creating another level of design work. The delay will save us money and time (e.g., long lead time parts have been designed out and more expensive parts have been replaced by less expensive parts). During the interval, we have continued to improve the software for both the i.MX51 and the newer i.MX53-based Efika MX devices. Additionally, we are testing an armhf 3D enabled image. We hope to release it soon.

    Efika MX Smartbook Instruction - WGC Tanzania
    Training the trainers in Tanzania, July 2011

    The Woman's Global Connection (WGC) Project in Tanzania continues to advance, as does the Powering Potential Project, also in Tanzania. Both organizations will be represented at a Convention of the Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America (DICOTA) in Washington D.C. next week. We wish all involved a successful event. There is a nice article this week featuring Powering Potential in the Christian Science Monitor: Powering Potential puts technology in schools in Tanzania while respecting local cultures.

    Efika MX Smartbook - Honduras Trade Show
    Trade Show, Honduras, September 2011

    We continue to build markets outside Europe and North America. Last week, we were in Colombia. Earlier this month, we were in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. We have been busy. Please don't fret, good things are coming...


    R&BHappy Face!


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