We had an email from long time friend Bill Laumeister of VEIL fame yesterday, leading to a longer conversation. The impetus of Bill's communication? The $100 computer being publicly fashioned by MIT's Nicholas Negroponte. Fifteen years ago or so I had a few chances to talk to Nicholas at Interactive Television conferences. Beauty and brains, Dr. Diana Gagnon (later Hawkins) was usually there too. She was one of his early Media Labs disciples that effectively brought the Being Digital vision from the Lab to the real world. She was/is very good. (OK, 3DOnot and TrippNot either, but that is another story). Anyway, Nicholas is still there at MIT. He helped start WIRED and is on the Board of Motorola now too - not bad. We don't want to dis the whole idea.

We hope!

R&B :-)

Open Server Workstation






Thanks to the Pegasos HAL/OF everything working on the ODW will be working on the OSW as soon as they are made -- and the whole open source toolchain too!

What was that again?!

DEVELOPERS, developers, Developers, DEVELOPERS, Developers, Special non-UNIX Developers, Developers for Schools, More Developers, EVEN MORE DEVELOPERS, Supporting Developers!

We're getting out there.

We went to an Apple Store yesterday. It was not quite as fancy as the one in SoHo or San Francisco, but a minimalist approach (big tables, few chairs, cashier, expert areas, lots of computers, LOTS of iPods) seems to be working. While the store-front focused entirely on the "only book you will ever need" referring to all the laptops in the window set in front of a window-wide poster of a heavily laden bookshelf, the buzz in the store and 90% of the activity was all iPod.

Thanks for stopping by!

R&B :-)

(...just a "Participant" for now)

Time to put some POWER in Power.org....;-)

R&B :-)

P.S. Hey Freescale! Hey Sun! Hey ATI! Did you ever think about joining Power.org??? You know....communities, volume, value, etc.

Change is an inevitable part of life. Change mostly comes to us, but change as an objective is change that is won through hard work and perseverance. The latter is something entirely different than the former. (bbrvblog a couple weeks ago)

ODW with PVR-500 (dual tuner)

That is the National Geographic Channel and the BBC, Gnome 2.10, KDE-3.4.1, and GNU/Linux-2.6.13 (Gentoo!) compiled from scratch and optimized specifically for the 7447/7448. Actually, this is more interesting...

There was a suggestion once that "five loaves and two fish" were just a starting point and that the miracle occurred when each person decided to get involved. Without suggestion that is what is happening in the world of open source software development. The amazing thing is that the biggest stakeholders in the IT business are beginning to realize that to keep that stake they have to contribute to the process to maintain mindshare.


Thanks Sun for the great idea! We hope to have OpenSolaris running soon!

R&B :-)


Change is an inevitable part of life. Change mostly comes to us, but change as an objective is change that is won through hard work and perseverance. The latter is something entirely different than the former.

In driving change, progress is made in small steps -- one right after another, and so on -- occasionally, others notice, but more often than not it is about holding a line and repeating and doing the same things over and over again.
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