Directron, thy name is volume!
Step #1 was getting Linux to work past boot commands
Step #2 is in progress as we progressively bring new applications and potential to the platform. The hardware abstraction layer of the PegasosPPC is actually what has been integrated into the mainstream Linux kernel and this combined with platform's OF implementation is what will drive this effort into the future. In the meanwhile, cost and performance optimization (e.g. AltiVec, supported 3D drivers, etc.) lead to...
Step #3 is leveraging reduced development time and lower TCO to achieve mass market success
We need a couple of things to do that.
Step #2 is in progress as we progressively bring new applications and potential to the platform. The hardware abstraction layer of the PegasosPPC is actually what has been integrated into the mainstream Linux kernel and this combined with platform's OF implementation is what will drive this effort into the future. In the meanwhile, cost and performance optimization (e.g. AltiVec, supported 3D drivers, etc.) lead to...
Step #3 is leveraging reduced development time and lower TCO to achieve mass market success
We need a couple of things to do that.