Step #1 was getting Linux to work past boot commands

Step #2 is in progress as we progressively bring new applications and potential to the platform. The hardware abstraction layer of the PegasosPPC is actually what has been integrated into the mainstream Linux kernel and this combined with platform's OF implementation is what will drive this effort into the future. In the meanwhile, cost and performance optimization (e.g. AltiVec, supported 3D drivers, etc.) lead to...

Step #3 is leveraging reduced development time and lower TCO to achieve mass market success

We need a couple of things to do that.

Jonathan Schwartz wrote this in his latest blog after a bit of traveling:

The downside of travel, of course, is being away from home. With the gobs of bandwidth available in the world, I'm hoping someone will deliver a reasonable life size video conferencing solution that doesn't cost as much as an F1. In my lifetime. I'm not convinced it'll ever replace truly being there, but I'd love to save a couple plane flights...

Hello Open Desktop Workstation, my name is smartcard.

Now we are making progress...

There has been an increasing amount of discussion recently about identity management. Smartcards can be a step in the right direction when there is a corresponding user decision to participate in a solution that enables identity to identity communication vs. machine to machine communication. The former being what is common to mobile telephones and latter to computers.

Hello Open Desktop Workstation, my name is smartcard.

GentooPPC Team smartcard and the ODW

Welcome to the future!

Now we are making progress...

What does Mary call it? Friday free stuff! Yeah, that's the ticket. Well, here is a bunch of new games coming to an Open Desktop Workstation near you...

Racer GT - the next ODW Gentoo GameCD

Then this will follow...


and so on...




All the games can be played on the standard ODW with the ATI 9200SE from a series of new Gentoo GameDVDs. The games all use OpenGL.

We are still getting the Gallery from China organized, but we just had to get this one out sooner...

The feature creep is with the mobile phone. It is easier to change the hardware than the infrastructure, especially with the Sun Grid in place.

This was the goal:

Building a National IT Resource based on the PowerPC and open source software

Here is how it started:

The CSIP, Freescale and Genesi Presentation Team

Freescale's Sergei Larin introduces AltiVec

Genesi's Sven Luther provides hands-on instruction

The beginnings of a HIGH volume product headed to the market soon!

R&B :-)

Before we get the China Gallery online, we wanted to post a quick blog about an article we read this past weekend. You can find it HERE.

In 1985 (before Raquel), I was a student in the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. The course is targeted at young officers soon to be Company Commanders. An Infantry company in the American Army is composed on average of between 100 and 200 soldiers.
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