Sun Plans To Make Java Enterprise System Open-Source

Things are really stacking up! We went ahead and ordered some of these (for which GPL drivers are available) and these. We want to be ready for the OpenSolaris/Javalution and get this all building up at the same time.

The trouble with blogs is that you have to keep up with them. Due to the nature of the matter, there is an improbable balance between the active and dormant blogstates. Milton told us the devil's side of the story, so today, seems like a good day to resurrect our aspirations for blogliness.

Creag Banta of the Avalanche Corporate Technology Cooperative is at it again. Here is what we are doing with Avalanche:

After counselling Creag on the Sun Grid he now understands what Simon says!


R&B :-)


Developers just don't join things; they buy things!

This is good news!

Encore? No problem. Now that this template is established we have a number of other development communities to recruit. Stay up to date with the latest and greatest at

Attracting Developers, Phase II - GRID Computing

Simon says: go Grid!

Simon Phipps is the Chief Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems. Simon has chatted with the Sun Grid folks and has captured their interest. That is good news too.

Creag Banta of the Avalanche Corporate Technology Cooperative has come up with these before and after GRID images.



Thank you Creag. That's a start! And, just to prove it we would be willing to take an *added step* and purchase some Sun GRID time and donate it to the ODW users in the Gentoo Community or the Blastware Team for a test if Sun and the OpenSolaris folks would go along with it.

Saw this Press Release this morning and we were reminded that there was even an easier way to offer the advantages of faster compile builds to developers - GRID computing.

We are thinking about it from this perspective:

The PegasosPPC/ODW Presentation

As shown with an OS choice one could develop and compile to target use. We will blog about this more soon. It makes sense! It would be great to offer this an an option with the platform.

Genesi in China Press Release

Thank you André, thank you Matt.

欢迎中国开放 源代码的开发




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