whatis CELLulite Removal?
ping Sun is assigning their 1,600 OS-related patents to the CDDL licensees that allows users to operate in a safe haven environment...sans SCO, adding open source patent indemnification with the introduction of OpenSolaris. Impressive.
pong Most of the market is still trying to fathom what happened to Intel vis-à-vis AMD and where IBM is headed with the 64-bit PowerPC offerings that recently slammed the TPC-C competition. For big iron boxes some smart money is headed that way (AMD & IBM) and there is alot of it. And, since we are talking about CELL again, did anyone else notice Sony's CEO on the stage with Jobs at Macworld?
ping Network and sysadmins swear by or at least acknowledge the robustness of Solaris. The operating system will gain popularity in being detached from SPARC.
pong Most of the market is still trying to fathom what happened to Intel vis-à-vis AMD and where IBM is headed with the 64-bit PowerPC offerings that recently slammed the TPC-C competition. For big iron boxes some smart money is headed that way (AMD & IBM) and there is alot of it. And, since we are talking about CELL again, did anyone else notice Sony's CEO on the stage with Jobs at Macworld?
ping Network and sysadmins swear by or at least acknowledge the robustness of Solaris. The operating system will gain popularity in being detached from SPARC.