As one operating system leaves PowerPC, we find another just arriving and hoping to find a home soon. Proudly dubbed Amiga OS4, the jilted offspring of the once great operating system has been left homeless.

As you have probably already guessed, there will be no OS 4 release this year. There are reasons for that which I would like to explain. The main reason is the unavailability of hardware. As you all know, AmigaOne's are not available right now, so we are not in a position to offer an OS 4 with a matching hardware. We DO think that once we release AmigaOS4.0, there will be a general interest in the news, in media, etc. We will get a lot of interest from people outside the amiga market, and they will ask where they can buy it.

"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." He did that. "...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." So, shortly thereafter, Eve first and then Adam ate of the Apple and poof it was game over in the Garden of Eden. Are we the only ones who have looked closely at the Apple?! (check it out, click on the picture!).

Our Identity Crisis as outlined in Greg Papadopolous latest blog recommends active (potentially responsible) user involvement. We agree.

It is coming and it is going to be here!

Sun Labs is going to go ahead with the release of certain parts of the Solaris 2.51 PowerPC source without NDA or CDA under the CDDL to the Blastware Community.

It is up and online!

Can you see me now?!

R&B :-)

Hungarian Goulash (Gulyasleves or GĂșlyas) conjures up the image and smell of a hearty dish for the fierce Magyar horsemen that freely roamed Europe in the first millennium. While the next thousand years were a bit tougher for the Hungarians, it is not just the food, but the language, and the distinctive outlook and culture that make Hungarians so special.

The Event Gallery for Genesi is online. Our Gallery is here!

Please join and register here too, that is, if you want to find out more.

More tomorrow...(how about next week!? We are BUSY!)

Please join and register here too, that is, if you want to find out...

Those words came to us most clearly from Jonathan Schwartz of Sun Microsystems. Some one undoubtedly said it before, but we heard it in a new way from Jonathan. We will come back to that.

Last night CNET released an interview with Freescale (NYSE:FSL) (NYSE:FSL.B) CEO, Michel Mayer.

Baseball players know how fast a triple play can happen. You are probably an infielder playing shortstop, first or second base. The team at bat has two players on base. The first out comes off a powerful stroke from the batter. The line drive almost instantly terminates in a spectacular catch. Without missing a beat the infielder then tags a runner or steps on the base (the runner just left in haste certain that the ball was a hit and he was headed for home).
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